Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Huntington 427 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts Huntington Collection


Summary of Contents: The volume contains 134 leaves and i–viii front endpapers; the latter are blank except for the UAM catalogue entry number on folio ia and a Latin note by Steinschneider on folio viiib reading: Comm. in Hippocr. auctore Maimonide ut ex collatione cum versione hebr. primus detexi (Steinschneider). Folios 46a, 55–60, 92a, 107, 108a, 114b, 115–18, 119a, and 132 are blank (folios 55–60, 107, and 115–18 are modern watermarked papers). Folio 132 (bearing the numeral 427 and the Bodleian Library stamp) is bound upside down and was apparently at one time found at the end of the volume. Folios 1–55 and 61–106 are paginated in Coptic numerals. Folio 51 has the remnants of a silk fore-edge marker. On folio 1a an Arabic table of contents for the entire volume has been added across the top of the folio by a later reader. On the bottom edge of the volume there is written مجموع شروح فصول ابقراط.
1. ff. 1r-51r
Incipit: بل بعضها متضاده بل متناقضه فيقع الاختلاف بين الناظرين فى ذلك القول ويتأوله شخص تاويلا ما ويقول ما اراد به المولف الا هذا المعنى
Explicit: قال المفسر قوله ان الرطوبه تستفرغ من القوي بالقي ومن الضعيف بالاسهال لا يطرد ذلك دايما وقد علمت طريقته وقد شك جالينوس فى هذا الفصل هل هو لابقراط او لغيره. كملت المقاله السابعه من شرح الفصول ، الحمد لله وحده

It is undated and unsigned. The appearance of paper, ink, and script suggests a product of the eighth/fourteenth century.

The copy lacks the beginning of the treatise. There is a break in the text between folios 17 and 18, which a later reader has attempted to fill by copying into the margins of folio 17b a passage from a different commentary on the Aphorisms, the commentary by al-Sīwāsī which occupies the ninth item in this volume (see entry for ʿUmdah). The second maqālah begins on folio 11b, the third on 18b8, the fourth on 23b, the fifth on 31b10, the sixth on 39b, and the seventh on 46b.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.8 × 11.4) cm; 19 lines per page. The author is not named, but a comparison with Hebrew copies confirms its identification. The title is given in several places, including folios 23b2, 31b11, and 39a15.

The text area has been frame-ruled. The text is written in an elegant, professional, medium-small Naskh with considerable vocalization. The letter ʿayn always has a minuscule letter under it, while ḥāʾ often has one; the letter sīn sometimes has a háček over it. It is written in brown ink fading to a lighter shade; headings in brown ink. There are a few catchwords added in a later hand.

The text has been collated by the copyist against the author’s original (folio 51a فرغ نسخا ومقابله من اصل المصنف فصح, see also folios 23a and 39a). There are also later marginal corrections and marginalia in at least two hands, some of them extensive. On folios 16b to 18a there are extracts from a commentary on the Aphorisms specified as the ʿUmdah, written in the same hand as copied the fragmentary commentary forming item 9 of this volume, which is a commentary by ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Mūsá al-Sīwāsī (see entry for ʿUmdah ).

SHU §48 (6) SALJ 158. D. 19, p. 215

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.5
GAL I 490
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 1, where it is recorded as an anonymous commentary
2. ff. 51v-54v
Incipit: بسم الله ... قال موسى بن عبيد الله الاسرائيلى القرطبى كان شابا من اهل الفضل والنباهة وشرف البيت وجلالة القدر يغنيني امره ويتعبن على خدمته اصابته بواسير
Explicit: ومعجون خبث الحديد على احتلاف نسخه وحب المقل على احتلاف نسخه . وقد الفت لسيدنا

The copy is undated and unsigned. The appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the eighth/fourteenth century.

It is an incomplete copy of the treatise, breaking off in the midst of the fourth bāb.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 15.4 × c.11.0) cm; 19 lines per page. The author is given as Mūsá ibn ʿUbayd Allāh al-Isrāʾīlī al-Qurṭubī at the beginning of the treatise. The title and author are given in a later hand at the top of folio 51a (مقالة موسي بن عبيد الله الاسراييلي القرطبى فى البواسير) and in the table of contents for the volume at the top of folio 1a.

It is not clear if the text area has been frame-ruled. It is written in a medium-small, consistent Naskh, with some vocalization added later, in dark-brown ink with extensive ‘shadowing’; the ink has had a corrosive effect upon the paper. The letter ḥāʾ has a minuscule letter under it, and the sīn has a háček over it. It was transcribed by a different copyist than copied the first item in the volume (see entry for Sharḥ Fuṣūl Ibqurāṭ).

There are small repairs on all four folios comprising this item; folio 54 has a large unrepaired hole in the text area; folio 52 is ‘netted’.

There are marginalia in several hands.

SALJ 158 D. 14 P. 213 SHU §481 (1)

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.148
GAL I 490
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 2
3. fol. 61r, v
Incipit: ولما كان كثير من الناس يحرص علي دوام الانتشار وان لم يكن أمني وجب ان أثبت من ذلك هذا
Explicit: وهذا القدر كافٍ فيما اشير [غير معجمة] الى الخادم والمولي يختار من ذلك ما سهل ويفعل هذا تارةً ويفعل هذا تارةً والله يديم عمره فى نعيم ولذه ويوصل له ذلك بالنعيم الدايم بفضله

The copy is undated and unsigned. The appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the eighth/fourteenth century. It appears to have been transcribed by the same copyist (Abū al-Ḥasan al-Rifʿah al-kātib) who transcribed items 4 and 5 in the volume (see entries for Maqālah fī tadbīr al-ṣiḥḥah and Maqālah fī bayān baʿḍ al-aʿrāḍ wa-al-jawāb ʿanhā ).

It is a fragment, presenting the conclusion of the treatise. The text equals that given on pp. 22814 to 2307 of the Kroner edition.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.8 × 11.2) cm; 19 lines per page. The title is given in a later table of contents at the top of folio 1a. The text area has been frame-ruled. It is written in a medium-small, careful, consistent Naskh, with some vocalization. The ink is dark-brown to black. The letters ḥāʾ and ʿayn have minuscule letters underneath, the letter sīn has an occasional háček, and the medial kāf is missing the top stroke.

The text has been collated by the copyist against the author’s original (folio 61b: فرغ نسخا ومقابله من نسخه المصنف فصح ). There are some marginal corrections.

SALJ 158 D. 15, p. 213 SHU §481 (2)

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.105
GAL I 490
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608); this treatise is not listed
Wakefield, Doctrina Arabum, 13 no. 29
4. ff. 62r-80r
Incipit: بسم الله ... ورد على المملوك الاصغر موسى بن عبيد الله الاسرائيلي القرطبي الامر المولوي الملكي الافضلى اعلاه الله وايده وامضاه على يد رسول يامره بذكر تدبير يعتمد عليه فى شفاء امراض حدثت لمولانا جعل الله الاسقام مجانبة لمقره العال [كذا] والصحة والسلامة مصاحبتان له دايما
Explicit: والنظر دايما لعين حمار الوحش يقوي البصر ويزيل خلله صح ذلك بالتجربة[غير معجمة]، فهذا قدر ما حضر المملوك الان مما يحتاج مولانا خلد الله ملكه اليه فى اكثر الاوقات والله تعالى يديم ايام مولانا ويديم له الصحة وينيله تعالى عايه سعاده الدارين كما انال مما ليكه ورعيته مكارم خلقه وكرمه بمنه وجوده ، والحمد لله رب العالمين

The copy is undated and unsigned; the appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the eighth/fourteenth century. The copy appears to have been transcribed by the same copyist, Abū al-Ḥasan al-Rifʿah [or al-Rafʿah] al-kātib, who copied items 3 and 5 in the volume; (see entries for Risālah fī al-jimāʻ and Maqālah fī bayān baʿḍ al-aʿrāḍ wa-al-jawāb ʿanhā , which are also undated).

A complete copy.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.8 × 11.2) cm; 19 lines per page. The title is given as Tadbīr yuʿtamadu ʿalayhi fī shifāʾ amrāḍ ḥadathat li-mawlānā on folio 62a3−4. A later hand has given the title at the top of folio 62a as Maqālah fī ḥabs al-ṭabīʿah (a treatise on constipation) and this is repeated in the table of contents at the top of folio 1a. The author is named at the beginning of the treatise.

The text area has been frame-ruled. It is written in a medium-small, careful, consistent Naskh, with some vocalization, in dark-brown to black ink. The headings are in black ink. The letter ḥāʾ usually has a minuscule letter underneath and the letter ʿayn occasionally does, while the medial kāf, and sometimes the initial form, is missing the top stroke.

There are marginal corrections.

SHU §482 (7) SALJ 158. D. 20, p. 216

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.162B
GAL I 489
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII [608], item 3
Wakefield, Doctrina Arabum, 13
5. ff. 80v-91v
Incipit: بسم الله ...ورد علي المملوك الاصغر الكتاب المضمن تفصيل تلك الاعراض كلها التى عرضت لمولانا خلد الله ايامه وتبين اسباب تلك الاعراض كلها وازمنة حدوثها والاخبار بكل جرويه يفتقر الطبيب للسؤال عنها
Explicit: فهذا قدر ما راي المملوك ان يعرضه بين يدي مالك رقه خلد الله ايامه وراي مولانا اعلي والسلم
Colophon: الحمد لله وحده وهو حسبى ونعم الوكيل كتب العبد الفقير الى رحمه ربه ابو الحسن الرفعه الكاتب عفا الله عنه وغفر لوالديه

The undated copy was made by the copyist Abū al-Ḥasan al-Rifʿah [or al-Rafʿah] al-kātib. He appears to have also copied the two previous items in the volume (see entries for Risālah fī al-jimāʻ and Maqālah [or Risālah] fī tadbīr al-ṣiḥḥah). The appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the eighth/fourteenth century.

A complete copy.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.8 × 11.2) cm; 19 lines per page. The title is not given in the text itself; at the top of folio 80b a later hand has written مقاله فى بيان بعض الاعراض والجواب عنها, and at the top of folio 1a, in the table of contents, a later hand has written وله رساله فى بيان بعض الاعراض وجوابها. The author is not named in the text.

The text area has been frame-ruled. It is written in a medium-small, careful, consistent Naskh, with some vocalization, in dark-brown to black ink. The headings are in black ink. The letter ʿayn occasionally has a minuscule letter underneath, and the medial kāf is occasionally missing the top stroke.

The copy was collated by the copyist against the author’s original, according to a note at end of the colophon on folio 91b16 (فرغ نسخا ومقابلهً من اصل المصنف فصح). There are marginal corrections. A recipe of two lines is written by a later hand at the bottom of folio 80b.

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.126B
GAL I 490
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 4
6. ff. 92v-106v
Incipit: بسم الله ... قال موسى بن عبيد الله القرطبى قد شهر فى اعصارنا و فى اقليمنا هذا بل فى عدة اقاليم سيره مولانا القاضى الاجل القاضل خلد الله ايامه وكونه جعل قصده فى دنياه ان
Explicit: وبعد ذلك اسقه من الماء والعسل قدرا كثيرا وكلما انهضم شرب مآ وعسل اخر هكذا يوما وليله وبعد ذلك يغتذى على عادته هذا القدر يراه الملوك كافيا بحسب الامر الذى امر به ولعله وفق الغرض ان شا الله تعالى . كمل بحمد الله ومنه الحمد لله وحده وهو حسبى نعم الوكيل

It is undated and unsigned. The appearance of paper, ink, and script suggests a product of the eighth/fourteenth century. The copyist appears to have also copied the first item in the volume (see entry for Sharḥ Fuṣūl Ibqurāṭ).

It is a complete copy.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.8 × 11.2) cm; 19 lines per page. The title is given as al-Maqālah al-Fāḍilīyah on folio 93b6-7 (وسميتها المقالة الفاضلية). On folio 93a18−19 it is referred to as مقاله صغيره الحجم وجيزه اللفظ في ما يبادر به المسلوع من التدبير. Folio 92a is blank except for a note giving the title as مقاله صغيرة الحجم فى ما يبادر به الملسوع من تدبير, while the later hand that added the table of contents on folio 1a gives the title as مقاله فى ما يبادر به الملسوع من التدبير.

The overlinings were added later. The folios are paginated in Coptic numerals.

There are some marginal corrections, some by the copyist and some by a later reader who also added the note at the bottom of folio 106b stating that it was collated against the original copy of the author (قوبلت على نسخه المصنف الاصل ).

SALJ 158. D. 16 p. 214

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.212A
GAL I 490
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 5
7. ff. 108v-114r
Incipit: بسم الله ... باسمك اللهم نطلب النجا والشفا ، وباشارات ذكرك وصمدك نسالك الارشاد الي قانون الصحة والدوا ... وبعد لما لقطتنى يد الزمان ، ورمت بى الى الغربة وطوارق الحدثان تناولتنى اكف من خدمته السعاده وحفظته السياده وسارت به الالوية الخاقانيه والدولة العثمانيه مولانا الامير درويش دامت ايامه
Explicit: فهذا ما حضرنا من مجرباتنا وفيه كفاية للمقتصر ومن اراد التطويل واستقصآ الخواص فعليه بكتبنا المطوله والله تعالى ينفع بها من تلقاها بالقبول وبحسن مقاصدنا والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم تمت رسالة المجربات لخاتمة الاطبا الشيخ داود الحكيم تغمد الله برحمته واسكنه فسيح جنته ومحل رضوانه امين بجاه النبي الامين م

The copy is undated and unsigned. The appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the late tenth/sixteenth or eleventh/seventeenth century.

It is a complete copy.

The MS. has as author simply "Dāʼūd al-ḥakīm"

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 14.9 × 6.7) cm; 19 lines per page. The title and author are given at the end of the copy. Ibn Riḍwān and Ibn Tilmīdh are cited on folio 110a10. The text area has been frame-ruled. It is written in a medium-small, careful, consistent Nastaʿlīq, with only occasional vocalization, in black ink with headings in red. There are catchwords. The item was written by a different copyist and on different paper than that used elsewhere in the volume.

The smooth, glossy, ivory paper has a thickness of 0.10−0.11 mm and an opaqueness factor 7 to 8. It has vertical straight laid lines, single chain lines, and watermarks (a crown; flowerhead with letters VC).

There are two marginal corrections, possibly by the copyist.

SALJ §154 (3), p. 196

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.152
GAL I 491
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 6 (Libellus sex foliorum, observationes Medicas exhibens: auctor Daud Medico Celeberrimo)
8. ff. 119v-131v
Title: [On Pulse]
Incipit: بسم الله ...الحمد لله العالم بالاسباب والاعراض ... وبعد فيقول العبد الفقير الى رحمة الله محمد ابن احمد بن العاص الاندلسى لما كان النبض من ابلغ الادلة على احوالى بدن الانسان
Explicit: فاذا علمت الاسباب التى يختلف النبض لاختلافها يهون عليك الاستدلال بالنبض على معرفة الاسباب والامراض والاعراض التى قصدناها والله اعلم بالصواب واليه المرجع والمئاب ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

The copy is undated and unsigned. The appearance of the paper, ink, and script suggests a copy of the eleventh/seventeenth century.

It is a complete copy.

Dimensions 20.9 × 15.3 (text area 16.4 × 11.4) cm; 23 lines per page. The author is given at the beginning and again on folio 121a8−9. Galen is cited on folios 125a–126a and 129b, Aristotle on folio 123a, and Hippocrates on folio 128b. The text area has been frame-ruled. The text is written in a medium-large script having the overall appearance of a Maghribī script, but the placement of diacritical dots is that of an ordinary Naskh. It is written in black ink with headings in red. There are catchwords.

The smooth, glossy, ivory paper has a thickness of 0.11−0.13 mm and an opaqueness factor of 7. There are slightly curved, vertical, laid lines and single chain lines, with no visible watermarks. The paper is soiled through thumbing.

There are later marginal corrections.

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.113
Supp: II. Anhang, p. 1029
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item 7, where the author is given as ‘Mohammed ben Ahmed ben Alas, Hispanus’
9. ff. 133r-134v and margins of folio 17vr
Incipit: قال ابقراط الذين [غير معجمة] يختتقون [= يختنقون] ويصيرون الى حد الغشي ولم يبلغوا الى حد الموت وليس يفيق منهم من ظهر فى فيه ربد قال المفسر معنى هذا الفصل ان
Explicit: وتقصر عنه طبيعه الشيخ ولذلك كره فى الشيخوخة [غير معجمة] المقالة الثالثة قال ابقراط

The copy is undated and unsigned. The appearance of the paper, script, and ink suggest that it is a copy of the eleventh/seventeenth century.

Dimensions 17.1 x 12.7 (text area 16 x 12) cm; 21–22 lines per page. The title ʿUmdah is given at the end of the marginalia on folio 17a–b. No author is given.

The text is written in a medium-small casual and inelegant Naskh, with many ligatures and with a number of diacritical dots missing.

The paper of folios 133−4 is different from and smaller than all the other items in the volume. It is ivory in hue and has a thickness of 0.12−0.14 mm. There are vertical laid lines, faint single chain lines, but no watermarks.

There are no marginalia.

Language(s): Arabic


NCAM-1, Entry No.7
UAM, 142 entry DCVIII (608), item not listed
Sezgin, GAS III N7, 375, where the commentary is listed as anonymous

Physical Description

Form: codex
51 ff. 4 ff. 1 fol. 19 ff. 12 ff. 15 ff. 7 ff. 13 ff. 2 ff.


The paper is water-stained, thumbed and slightly soiled with grime; the edges have been trimmed and repaired on folios 1–3; small repairs have been made on 39–51; folios 18 and 50 are guarded.


Paper The smooth, slightly glossy beige-biscuit paper has a thickness of 0.11−0.16 mm and an opaqueness factor of 4. It has vertical curved laid lines and no visible chain lines. The front endpapers (folios i–viii) are papers watermarked with three crescent moons. See individual entries for the paper of items 7 to 9 in this volume.


The volume is bound in pasteboards covered with dark brown leather, with an envelope flap. The covers (of possibly the eighth/fourteenth century, greatly restored and repaired) have stamped and tooled medallions of a six-pointed star design inside a shamsa ring with small pendants, blind with some small gilt dots, and enclosed by several blind frames with small gilt dots in the corners; the area outside the frames is filled with a blind-tooled large ring-chain design. The tan leather envelope flap is more recent and from another binding, decorated with two blind frames of leaf and flower design. There are doublures of multicoloured marbled paper, and the fore-edge flap and envelope flap are lined in tan cloth; the endpapers are modern.


Origin: 13th cent.? CE 13th cent.? CE 13th cent.? CE 13th cent.? CE 13th cent.? CE 13th cent.? CE 17th cent.? CE 17th cent.? CE

Provenance and Acquisition

The volume was in the collection of Robert Huntington, whose ex libris, with the numeral 10, is found on folio 1a. ]

Purchased by the Bodleian Library in 1693.

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Emilie Savage-Smith; A New Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Volume I: Medicine, Oxford: OUP, 2011


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