MS. Marsh 672 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts Marsh Collection
ff. 1v-122r being the first part only of extensive tables for computing the time of day for all latitudes. [The second half of this same copy is preserved in Cairo (MS. Dār al-Kutub mīqāt 132M.)]*
*information communicated 5. xi. 73 D. A. King (Cairo) in correspondence with N. C. S.; authorʼs date due to same source. Najm al-Dīn is author of a mathematical work al-R. al-ḥisābīyah fī al-ʻamal al-[]ufqīyah (Milan MS. Ambr. 277); wrongly identified by Sut []er with author of Nihāyat al-rutbah (S2 p. 217)
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
The Library of Archbishop Narcissus Marsh, d. 1713.
The Marsh bequest entered the Bodleian Library in 1714.
Record Sources
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