MS. S. Digby Or. 200 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts Simon Digby Oriental Collection
A copy of Ibn al-Jazarī's ʻUddat al-Ḥiṣn al-ḥaṣīn followed by many prayers.
Incipit: بسم الله ... الحمد لله الذي جعل ذكره عدة للحصن الحصين
Explicit: وليكن ذلك اخر ما نعده من عدة الحصن الحصين من كلام سيد المرسلين
Colophon: انتهى بحمد الله وحسن عونه
Followed by many short prayers [adʻiyah].
Language(s): Arabic
GAL II 203.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 11 × 11 cm.
Maghribi script.
Origin: n.d.
Provenance and Acquisition
The collections of Mr. Simon Digby.
Donated to the Bodleian Libraries by the Trustees of the Simon Digby Memorial Charity, April 2015.
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on handlist of Simon Digby with additional enhancements by the Fihrist team.
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