Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

R.13.24 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)

Oriental Manuscripts


1 copy of Dīwān Bakrī by Khuwārizmī

Title: ديوان بكري
Incipit: ما ظبآ بقاعة الوعسآء وملاح بايمن الجرعآء
Explicit: ومواردي ومعاهدي ومشاهدي وبواطني وظواهري ومواضعي

This copy claims to have been written under the direction of the author himself, although it is apparently of a much later date. He is referred to throughout using formulae applicable to living persons. The dīwān is followed by two pages of poetry, also by Khuwārizmī, but in a different hand.

Language(s): Arabic
Author: anonymous Written by the transcriber (al-kātib)
Title: A chapter on the creation of the world.
Language(s): Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 161 ff.


Well written in Naskhi characters

  • marginalia

    Throughout the book are notes and corrections in the same hand as the signature on the last page.


A hexagonal seal is located on the last page, with the inscription احفي الألطاف ونجنا مما يخاف around the sides, and the name Abū Bakr Bakrī in the centre.


Origin: Undated

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on "E. G. Browne: A supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1922", and "E.H. Palmer A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, London 1870".


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Funding of Cataloguing

Trinity College Cambridge



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