Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

R.13.53 (Wren Library, Trinity College Cambridge)

Oriental Manuscripts


Extracts from the Qur᾽ān, prayers and poems.

ff. 1r.-2v.
Title: The words 'Trial of the pen upon paper' repeated several times.
Language(s): Arabic
2. f. 10r.
Title: Sūrat al-Fātiḥah
Title: سورة الفاتحة
3. ff. 11r.-13v.
Title: Sūrat al-Anʿām
Title: سورة الأنعام
4. ff. 14r.-22v.
Title: Sūrat Maryam
Title: سورة مريم
5. ff. 23v.-30r.
Title: Bāb fī maʿrifat al-Islām
Title: باب في معرفة الإسلام

A chapter on the traditionary sayings of the Prophet.

Incipit: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وآله أجمعين
Explicit: ومن يشك بشيء من هذه الأشياء فقد كفر والله أعلم بالصواب ولله المرجع والمآب
6. ff. 41v.-71r.
Title: Prayers and durūd upon the Prophet Muḥammad and his family
7. ff. 71r.-76v.
Title: Two Arabic qaṣīdas
8. ff. 76v.-82r.
Title: Two short prayers
9. ff. 83v.-84r.
Title: A page and a half in Burmese characters


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 84 ff.


A poor European hand.


Origin: Undated

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on "E. G. Browne: A supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1922", and "E.H. Palmer A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, London 1870".


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card. (For admissions procedures contact Wren Library Admissions). Contact wren.library@trin.cam.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing

Trinity College Cambridge


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