Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 106 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection

Collection 12

A collection of three works

Physical Description

Extent: 164 ff.


Maroon leather, 16.5×22.5 cm, front + back cover, leather + pasteboard.


Cover detached from the copy; head band and stitching damaged.


Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

1) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 926


Summary of Contents: This is a work about the religious imperatives and important ancillaries of the Faith, except Jihād and Ḥajj. Each topic has several sub-topics. Shaykh Murtiz̤á Anṣārī has mentioned in a gloss any items he thoguht differently about, and when others began to write such glosses on the Nukhbah, many commentaries were created. It has been said that this book is a selection from the book Irshād al-Mustarshidīn.
ff. 1b-97a
Language(s): Persian

Islamic jurisprudence

Title: Nukhbah
Title: نخبه
Incipit: بسمله، حمد و ثنای بیحد و احصا مخصوص بارگاه کبریاء حکیمی است که جواهر بحار معرفتش کنز الفوائد آمال و… چنین گوید ابن محمد حسن الخراسانی محمد ابراهیم الاصفهانی… که این مختصریست موسوم بنخبه در واجبات و مهمات از فروع دینیه… و آن مشتملست بر چند مقصد…
Explicit: … ایشانرا یاد کنم و یاد کردن ایشان اینست که ایشان را لعنت کنم و هر که خواهد کافر گردد.
Colophon: تمت الکتاب… فی شهر جمیدی الثانی سنه ۱۲۵۹ حسب خواهش شخص عزیزی سمت تحریر پذیرفته است این شخص عزیز خواجه محمد خلف… حاجی خان بهبهانی… بید الحقیر ابن اسماعیل محمد شفیع البهبهانی فی چهاردهم شهر رمضان المبارک سنه ۱۲۵۹…


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 926

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MAJ 16/339
  • MNL 2/300
  • NLI 9/395

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 24/90
  • DEN 10/629

Printed editions:

  • Tehran, 1390 Shamsī/2012

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular thickness, one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21.5 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 9 cm.


ff. 1b-97a


Graceful Naskh, one hand, relatively large; unwritten titles Bihbahānī, Muḥammad Shafīʿ ibn Ismāʿīl بهبهانی، محمد شفیع ابن اسماعیل


Rubricated title; rubricated line above some expressions.


Origin: Bihbahan; 1259 AH; 1844 CE

2) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 211


Summary of Contents: A treatise in Persian on God's admonitions to the Prophet in the night of the Ascent (Miʿrāj).
ff. 98b-155b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، اما بعد چنین گوید بندهٔ خاطی محمد کاظم بن محمد شفیع هزارجریبی… این رساله‌ایست در موعظه‌هاییکه حق سبحان و تعالی در شب معراج بحضرت رسالت پناه صلی الله علیه و آله کرده است… این رساله را بالتماس بعضی از برادران دینی نوشتم و به تنبیه الغافلین مسمی گردانیدم…
Explicit: … و شاید روزگار چنین کند که روزی حاجت ما باو افتد که نزد او تواضع کنیم. تمت الرساله و الحمد لله رب العالمین… ||
Colophon: حسب الخواهش… خواجه محمد ولد… تاجر بهبهانی… ۱۴ شهر رمضان المبارک من شهور ۱۲۵۹.

According to the existing catalogues, there are very few copies of this work.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 211

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MNL 10/68
  • UTL 16/249

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • DEN 3/354

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular thickness, one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21.5 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 9.5 cm.


ff. 98b-155b


16 lines per page


Rubricated title; rubricated line above some expressions.


Origin: Bihbahan; 1259 AH; 1843 CE The scribe's info is taken from the colophon of the last treatise in this manuscript.

3) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 171


Summary of Contents: As al-Ẕarīʿah reports, Aḥādīs̲-i qudsī has originally been in Hebrew, including 40 suras, and has then been translated into Arabic by Imam ʿAlī. The Arabic translation of this work has been translated into Persian by several translators. It is supposed that the translation of Muḥammad Kāẓim Hizār'jarībī has been one of these translations; however, no similar copy to the current copy is reported in any of the existing catalogues. Āqā Buzurg [in al-Ẕarīʿah] adds that Muḥammad Kāẓim Hizār'jarībī has been one of the students of Vaḥīd Bihbahānī, and some handwritten copies of his works have been kept in the libraries of Najaf. His other works include Hidāyat al-ghāfilīn, Kāshif al-ʿadl, Tuḥfat al-akhyār, and Rasālat al-tārīkhīyah fī aʿmār sādāt al-barīyah.
ff. 156a-164a
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، امّا بعد چنین گوید بندهٔ خاطی محمد کاظم بن محمد شفیع هزارجریبی… بعضی از برادران دینی حقیر را باین داشتند که این احادیث قدسی را ترجمه نمایم و حقیر برای اجابت ایشان این کلمات را فارسی نمودم… و اینجا چهل سوره است انتخاب کرده شده است که حق تعالی به حضرت موسی علیه‌السلام بی‌واسطه سخن گفت. سورهٔ اول…
Explicit: … ای موسی بگو به ظالمان زیرا که لابد است از برای من که ایشانرا یاد کنم و یاد کردن ایشان این است که ایشان را لعنت کنم و هر که خواهد کافر گردد.
Colophon: تمت الکتاب فی شهر جمدی الثانی سنه ۱۲۵۹ حسب الخواهش شخص عزیزی سمت تحریر پذیرفته است. این شخص عزیز شریف رفیق شفیق اعنی… خواجه محمد خلف… حاجی خان بهبهانی امیدوار بدرگاه حضرت پروردگار چنانم که بخیر و خوشی مطالعه فرمایند… تراب اقدام شیعیان ابن اسمعیل محمد شفیع البهبهانی فی چهاردهم شهر رمضان المبارک سنه ۱۲۵۹.

As no similar copies of this work, i.e. Hizār'jarībī's translation, are found in any of the existing catalogues, it might be a unique copy.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 171

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 11/13
  • DEN 4/499

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular thickness, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21.5 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 9 cm.


ff. 156a-164a


16 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, one hand, relatively large Bihbahānī, Muḥammad Shafīʿ ibn Ismāʿīl بهبهانی، محمد شفیع ابن اسماعیل By the order of Muḥammad Khalaf Ḥājī Khān Bihbahānī.


Rubricated title; rubricated line above some expressions.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 14 Ramadhan 1259 AH; 1843 CE

Additional Information

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)

Key to Abbreviations

  • ALZ: (الذریعه)
  • DEN: (فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران - دنا)
  • FAW: (Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford - Minasian Collection)
  • MAJ: (Library, Museum and Documentation Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly)
  • MNL: (Mar'ashi Najafi Library)
  • NLI: (National Library of Iran)
  • UTL: (Central Library of University of Tehran)


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