Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 140 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection

Collection 20

A collection of three works

Physical Description

Extent: 47 ff.


Black leather, 26 × 14.5 cm, front + back cover, leather + pasteboard.


Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

1) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 612


Summary of Contents: A relatively comprehensive course in Arabic morphology in a simple language. It is a mid-range treatise in Arabic morphology and inflection which is very common amongst seminary students, with a more detailed part on ʾIʿlāl than any other textbooks. This is a very useful book and has been published frequently within the course of Jāmiʿ al-Muqaddamāt.
ff. 1b-25b

Arabic language--Morphology

Language(s): Persian
Incipit: بسمله، بدان ایدک الله تعالی که کلمات لغت عرب بر سه گونه است: اسم است و فعل است و حرف. اسم چون رجل و علم فعل چون ضرب…
Explicit: … فعل لازم را متعدی سازد چون سار زید و سایرته و خرج زید و استخرجته. تمت بعون الملک العلام.
Colophon: تمت الکتاب بعون ملک الوهاب ۱۲۶۳.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 612

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MNL 29/198
  • NLI 3/159
  • UTL 16/15

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 15/40
  • DEN 7/130

Printed editions:

  • Tehran, 1386 Shamsī/2007

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular thickness.
Dimensions (leaf): 25 × 15 cm.
Dimensions (written): 16 × 7 cm.


ff. 1b-25b


14 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, Shikastah Nastaʿalīq, one hand, regular; half of the titles are unwritten.


Rubricated titles, rubricated line above some expressions.

Additions: Explanatory comments as marginal notes. Ownership note. Transfer note. Birth note. Accounts of historical events. Vaqf note. Chronogram.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1263 AH; 1847 CE

2) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 189


Summary of Contents: This is a well-known text on the morphology of Arabic language, known also as "Sharḥ-i Taṣrīf", "al-ʿIzzá fī al-Taṣrīf" and "al-Taṣrīf al-ʿIzzá". The work has received attention and respect from scholars and scientists throughout centuries, and has been used as a textbook for the students of Islamic sciences for years. Several commentaries, appendices, and translations have been written for or about this work. There would be few, if any, libraries in the world which lack a copy of "al-Taṣrīf" or "Sharḥ-i Taṣrīf" of Zanjānī.
ff. 26b-34b

Arabic language--Morphology

Language(s): Arabic
Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، اعلم ان التصریف فی اللغه التغییر و فی الصناعة تحویل الاصل الواحد الی امثلة مختلفة لمعان مقصودة لا تحصل الا بها…
Explicit: … من الفعل کقول حسن الطعمه و الجلسه و العقده و السلام علی من اتبع الهدی.
Colophon: تمت الکتاب بعون الملک الوهاب فی یوم الخمیس ۲۲ شهر رجب المرجب سنه ۱۲۶۵.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 189

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MAL 1/139-140
  • NLI 12/21
  • UTL 17/463

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 12/47
  • DEN 3/7

Printed editions:

  • Tehran, 1343 AH/1925

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular thickness, one size.
Dimensions (leaf): 25 × 15 cm.
Dimensions (written): 15.5 × 6.5 cm.


ff. 26b-34b


16 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, one hand, regular ʿAlī ibn Mullā Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl علی ابن ملا محمد بن اسماعیل

Additions: Notes on Arabic syntax.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1265 AH; 1848 CE

3) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 654


Summary of Contents: One of the most important and common books in Arabic syntax. Jurjānī has divided ʿAwāmil (the factors influencing the diacritics of the following word) into two groups of verbal and semantic, with a total of 100 ʿĀmil which have been fully explained. This work has been appreciated despite its very brief content. It has been published in 1617 in Leiden, in 1804 in Calcutta, and in 1247 AH in Bulaq.
ff. 35b-47b
Language(s): Arabic


Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، اما بعد فان العوامل فی النحو علی ما الفه الشیخ الامام الفاضل… مایه عامل و هی تنقسم الی قسمین لفظیه و معنویه. فللفظیه منها علی ضربین سماعیه و قیاسیه. فا السماعیه منها احد و تسعون عاملا…
Explicit: … لا یستغنی الکبیر والصغیر و الرفیع والوضیع عن معرفتها و من حفظها یحصل له بصیره فی النحو .
Colophon: سنه


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 654

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MAJ 4/348
  • MNL 3/178
  • NLI 6/363

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • DEN 7/664
  • KAS 2/1179

Printed editions:

  • Calcutta, 1804

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, varying thickness (thin, regular), one size.
Dimensions (leaf): 25 × 15 cm.
Dimensions (written): 17 × 7.5 cm.


ff. 35b-47b


17 lines per page


Gracefull Naskh, one hand, regular ʿAlī ibn Mullā Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl علی ابن ملا محمد بن اسماعیل

Additions: Oval stamp.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1265 AH; 1849 CE

Additional Information

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)

Key to Abbreviations

  • ALZ: (الذریعه)
  • DEN: (فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران - دنا)
  • FAW: (Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford - Minasian Collection)
  • KAS: (کشف‌الظنون عن اسامی الکتب والفنون)
  • MAJ: (Library, Museum and Documentation Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly)
  • MAL: (Malek National Museum and Library)
  • MNL: (Mar'ashi Najafi Library)
  • NLI: (National Library of Iran)
  • UTL: (Central Library of University of Tehran)


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