Arabic MS 7 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)
Arabic Manuscripts
A Collection
Language(s): Arabic and Turkish
folios 1-19
Arabic MS 7A Title: Miʾah kalimah; Ṣad kalimah
Title: مائة كلمة ؛ صد کلمه
Title: A Hundred Sayings
Incipit: لو كشف الغطاء ما ازددت يقينا حال خلد وجحيم دانستم بيقين آنجنانكه مى بايد
Explicit: اللهم اغفر رمزات الالحاظ اين كناهان كه ياد خواهم كرد يا رب از ما بفضل در كذاران
Language(s): Arabic
Catalogue no. Arabic MS 147A [7A]
folios 25b-180
Title: ديوان علي ؛ انوار العقول من اشعار وصي الرسول
Title: الناس من جهة التماثل افكاء ابوهو آدم والام حواء آدمى از ره تماثل بهم مى مانند كه بدر آدم وحوا همه را شد مادر
Incipit: قد كنت عن لقاءه غنيّا هلم فاذن ههنا اليّا يقين هستى غنى از بازى او بيا نزديك اينك كوى وميدان
Language(s): Arabic
Catalogue no. Arabic MS 147B [7B]
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 180 folios
Dimensions (leaf): 225 × 150 mm.
Origin: circa 1560 CE
Provenance and Acquisition
Formerly part of the collection of the Persian scholar Nathaniel Bland (1803-1865). Bland’s oriental manuscripts were sold through Bernard Quaritch in 1866 to Alexander Lindsay, 25th Earl of Crawford.
Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, for the John Rylands Library.
Record Sources
Catalogue record based on Alphonse Mingana, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Manchester (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1934).
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