BSMS_445 (University Library, Cambridge University)
Syriac Manuscripts
The New Testament in the Peshitta version.
Also included (ff. 1v-6v, 287v-289v) are short exegetical works about the genealogies of Christ and the twelve and seventy apostles.
Physical Description
At least one quire is lost at the end. The leaves especially at the beginning and end of the ms. are badly stained, cockled and mutilated.
Written in a classical E. Syriac estrangela of the12th or 13th century with some vowels, in red and black.
The binding, in full leather with blind tooling, is detached from the text block. It originally belonged to another ms., perhaps Armenian.
Provenance and Acquisition
Deposited by the Bible Society, 1985. The Bible Society purchased it from itinerant Assyrians in 1906.
Record Sources
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Funding of Cataloguing
Cambridge University Library
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