BSMS_449 (University Library, Cambridge University)
Syriac Manuscripts
Elia of Anbar, Book of study.
With an added section of miscellaneous texts. These include the 5 apocryphal Psalms, an explanation of difficult words in the Book of Paradise of ʿAbdishoʿ of Ṣoba, and a dialogue between a Nestorian and a Jacobite.
Physical Description
Written in a neat vocalized East Syriac script by the priest Marqos son of Shemʿun son of Yonan living in the village of Eskunes in the region of Nudez in 1733 CE.
Bound in full leather over thick wooden boards.
Provenance and Acquisition
Deposited by the Bible Society, 1985. It was acquired for the Bible Society by Joseph Wolff in Persia in 1825.
Record Sources
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Funding of Cataloguing
Cambridge University Library
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