Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

BSMS_451 (University Library, Cambridge University)

Syriac Manuscripts


Pentateuch in the Peshiá¹­ta version.

Title: The Pentateuch in the Peshiá¹­ta version.
Language(s): Syriac

Physical Description

Support: Paper, 36 cm.
Extent: 102 ff.


Written in a good small regular East Syriac script with vowels by Nathaniel son of Abraham in the village of Khrosrowa in Salamas in 1824 CE.


Bound in full leather over paper boards.



Provenance and Acquisition

Deposited by the Bible Society, 1985. It was acquired for the Bible Society by Joseph Wolff in Persia in 1825.

Record Sources

For a full description see J. F. Coakley, Catalogue of Syriac manuscripts in Cambridge University Library acquired since 1901 (2018).


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Funding of Cataloguing

Cambridge University Library


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