Eton Pote 271 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
Pote Collection
Colophon details: Date: Undated Scribe: Anonymous.
Colophon further notes: F.475: final colophon which does not provide information on copying. Neither do internal colophons: f.72r; 110v; f.152r; f.185r; .232v; f.280v; f.334v; f.381r; absent on f.469r.
Note concerning manuscript: Divided into sections beginning with sarlauh s and ending with colophons.
Note concerning work: Seems to be different from the work of the same title by Binbani. It is a history from Creation down to 905/1499. The author is 'Abd al-Karim Nimdahi (born 843/1439, from Hurmuz) as stated in "The Contemporary Persian chronicles of the Sultans of Gujarat - a study" by Akbar 'Ali Tirmizi in Islamic Culture v.32 (1958), p.131: "I have succeeded in unearthing two Mss. of the Tabaqat-i- Mahmudshahi, which was hitherto considered as lost. One of them is to be found in the library of Eton at Windsor. (1) On the title page the work is called Tabaqat-i-Mahmudshahi, while in the preface it is named as Tabaqat-i-‘ Abd-al-Karim or at-Tabaqat-al-Mahmudshahīyah. It comprises 475 folios and contains three seals, probably Mughal. It seems to have been transcribed in the 17th or 18th century. There is another Ms. at Tashkent (U.S.S.R.). This copy which belongs to the 17th century was transcribed by Muzaffar ibn ‘Imad. (2)". For further sometimes confused works (including that of Binbani) see also B.M. Tirmidhi, "Are Tabaqat-i-Mahmudhshai, Ma'athir-i-Mahmudshahi and the Tarikh-i-Sadr-i-Jahan identical?" in Proceedings of the Indian History Congress vol 10 (1947), pp.325-328. For a later study of Nīmdihī see J. Aubin, "Indo-islamica I : la vie et l'œuvre de Nīmdihī", Revue des études islamiques, v.34 (1996) pp.61-81.
Physical Description
25 lines per page.
Ruled in gold with a lapis outer. Rubrications in red.
Scribe: Anonymous.
F.1v: illuminated sarlauh (pasted on). Codex contains numerous sarlauh s often with floral patterns (again pasted on from elsewhere).
F.1r: seal of Polier (1181) and 4 other seals, two entirely obscured (is one a follower of ʿĀlamgīr?). Inspection note: year 43 of Akbar (16th Urdibihisht); another year 5 (1060?).
Marbled paper with a suede spine, European style. Plain paper doublures. Dimensions: 22 × 13.5 × 5 cm. Unboxed. Polier's number: 700.
Provenance and Acquisition
The "Pote Collection" arrived in England from India in 1790 and was divided between the Colleges of Eton and King's, Cambridge, with the second half alphabetically going to Eton. Both halves of the collection are now housed in Cambridge University Library on permanent loan. Most if not all of the manuscripts had previously been owned by Colonel Antoine-Louis Henri Polier (1741–1795).
Gift of Edward Ephraim Pote (d.1832) in 1788.
Record Sources
All manuscripts of the Pote Collection are on permanent loan at Cambridge University Library. Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures consult Cambridge University Library. Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript
Funding of Cataloguing
Eton College
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