ECOM 20 (Eton College Library, Eton College)
Eton Windsor
Summary of Contents: The Masnavi of Rumi. A fine example of a Safavid manuscript, with illuminations and very fine original binding.
Title: Mas̲navī
Title: مثنوی
Incipit: هذا کتاب المثنوی وهو اصول اصول الدین فی کشف اسرار رب تمم بفضل الوصول والیقین وهو فقه الله الاکبر
Colophon: تم الدفتر السادس من کتاب المثنوی المعنوی المولوی...وانا الاقل المحتاج...حاجی محمد بن کرم الله الشوشتری فی تاریخ شهر محرم الحرام سنه اثنین وثمانین تسعمایه الهجریه
Language(s): Persian
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 308 ff.
Fine nasta'liq
A fine example of a Safavid manuscript
, with illuminations.
Fine original binding.
Origin: Muharram 982 AH; 1574 CE
Provenance and Acquisition
This manuscript is part of a small collection of Islamic manuscripts held at Eton College Library, which are not part of the separate ‘Pote Collection’. (The Pote Collection was given in 1788 by Edward Ephraim Pote to Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge and is now held on loan at the Cambridge University Library).
Record Sources
Manuscript description based on M.S.Q. Fraser, Islamic manuscripts in the Eton College Library, 1996.
For admissions procedures to the Eton College Library reading room, please see information for researchers. Contact for further information on the availability of this manuscript and to arrange an appointment to visit the library.
Funding of Cataloguing
Eton College
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