Delhi Persian 1083 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous Sufi works, 7 works (a-g)
Item a.
Meditations and counsels in prose and verse to those on the Ṣūfī path.
Author not identified.
The work is divided into thirty-one marḥalah.
Not dated at end.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
Item b.
Definitions and explanations of Ṣūfī terms and doctrines with illustrative rubāʿī poems conventionally entitled Lavāʾiḥ, by the celebrated mystic, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī, whose name does not appear until the end.
Dated colophon (f. 49v): 15 Rabīʿ al-Avval RY 15 of Emperor Muḥammad Shāh (1145)/5 September 1732.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
Item c.
Fragmentary excerpt of an unidentified treatise on the unity or tawḥīd of God.
Not dated.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
Item d.
Excerpt of the first chapter from the Kashf al-ḥaqāʾiq (consisting of seven chapters) dealing with divine substance and the materiality of spiritual phenomena by ʿAzīz ibn Muḥammad al-Naṣafī al-Bukhārī (d. 661/1263).
Not dated.
Ends with a short Arabic prayer in bold naskh script.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
Item e.
Excerpt of the Burhān al-ʿāshiqīn of Shaykh Sharaf al-Dīn ibn Aḥmad Yaḥyá Manīrī (d. 782/1380).
Not dated.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
Item f.
Excerpt from an unspecified work by Shaykh Sharaf al-Dīn ibn Aḥmad Yaḥyá Manīrī (d. 782/1380) on the miracles or karāmāt of saints.
Not dated.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
The work is followed by a series of short excerpts on Sufism and Arabic prayers, some written obliquely, including the named works Kashf al-maḥjūb, the Munājāt of ʿAbd Allāh Anṣārī, a work on Arabic grammar, a work attributed to Shaykh Muḥammad Bukhārī, a tradition relating to Ḥasan Baṣrī, a Naqshbandī work, medicinal preparations, recipes for food, magic squares, and an Arabic prayer (ff. 85v-102r).
Item g.
Untitled critical commentary on Ṣufī doctrines reported by the disciples of the Naqshbandī leader, Khvājah Muḥammad Bāqī ibn ʿAbd al-Salām (d. 1012/1603), by an unnamed author.
Not dated.
The work is followed by the beginning of another excerpt that continued onto subsequent folios, which are now missing. This indicated that this volume is presently incomplete and defective.
Rough shikastah āmīz on alternating tinted papers.
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