Delhi Persian 1097 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Music in Islam, 8 works (a-h)
Item a.
Treatise favouring the lawfulness of listening to music in accordance with the principles of Islam, by Muḥammad Sālim.
The work consists of a muqaddimah, four vaṣl, and a khātimah.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 1r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item b.
Treatise refuting the lawfulness of playing music in accordance with the principles of Islam, by Aḥmad al-Dīn.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 7r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item c.
Combination of three treatises on Ṣūfī doctrines regarding, firstly, the lawfulness of music, secondly, the unity of God and, thirdly, the prohibition of prostration in thankfulness in addition to supplications prescribed by law.
The untitled work does not state the author’s name.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 17r) stating the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item d.
Transcript of a fatvá or opinion delivered on the classification of musical instruments, deeming particular groups as permissible (such as drums) and others in contravention of Islamic principles (such as flutes).
The text is followed by copies of the seals and names of signatories, including Muḥammad Makhṣūṣ Allāh 11[0]2, Muhammad Karīm Allāh RY 27, Muḥammad Mūsá ibn Shāh Rafīʿ al-Dīn, Abū Saʿīd Aḥmadī, Mawlavī Qamar al-Dīn, Ḥasan ʿAlī, Muḥammad Karāmat ʿAlī, and many more.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 71r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item e.
Arabic treatise on the audition of music according to Ṣūfī principles, endorsed at the beginning (f. 80r) as Uṣūl al-samāʿ by Shaykh Fakhr al-Dīn Zarrādī Samanāvī Dihlavī, the successor or khalīfah of Shaykh Niẓām al-Dīn Awliyāʾ.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 80r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
This work is followed by another (ff. 87v-90v), a Persian fatvá or opinion on the lawfulness of certain musical instruments with lengthy quotations in Arabic (overlined in red).
Defective at end.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 87r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item f.
Arabic treatise on the lawfulness of listening to music.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 91r) states the work was copied for Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item g.
Arabic treatise on the lawfulness of listening to music.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 101r) stating the work was copied for Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
Item h.
Copy of an untitled treatise by Muḥammad S̲anāʾ Allāh ibn Jalāl al-Dīn Pānīpatī (d. 1225/1810) written in response to condemnatory remarks on music in an Arabic letter from a certain Muḥammad Sālār.
Not dated at end.
Note at beginning (f. 113r) states the work was copied by Muḥammad Karīm Allāh.
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