Delhi Persian 1147 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous works on Sufism, 3 works (a-c)
Item a.
Untitled Ṣūfī treatise on divine unity or tawḥīd by an unnamed author.
The work bears an informal title written only on the beginning flyleaf, Kashf al-ḥaqīqah.
According to Arberry, the work gives the impression of having been written around the fifteenth century, partly on the basis that authorities are drawn mainly from early scholars and saints.
Not dated at end.
Arabic text overlined in red.
Item b.
Metaphysical treatise ascribed to Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyá Suhravardī (d. 576/1180-1).
The work consists of three bāb.
Not dated at end.
Item c.
Metaphysical treatise investigating from an Aristotelian perspective whether terrestrial creatures (vegetal, animal, and human) possess souls or nafs, by the author Mullā Yūsuf Ṭavīl Kashmīrī.
The work is dated to 1038/1628-9, according to the chronogrammatic title, and was written at speed after a gathering hosted by the Timurid or Mughal minister Iʿtiqād Khān, to whom the work is dedicated.
The work consists of three faṣl.
Not dated at end.
Physical Description
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