Delhi Persian 1154 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous Sufi works, 14 works (a-n)
Item a.
Untitled tractate dealing with aspects of Islamic theology and eschatology, written at the behest of Sulṭān-i Jalālī.
Author not identified.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 1v).
Dated colophon (f. 10v): 28 Ṣafar 1[0]95/15 February 1684.
Item b.
Untitled tractate dealing with the nature of God and creation.
Author not identified.
Not dated.
Item c.
Tractate on metaphores for recognising God ascribed to Shaykh Abū al-Fatḥ Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyá "Maqtūl" ibn Ḥabash al-Suhravardī (d. 587/1191).
The work is divided into three bāb.
Illuminated ʿunvān (f. 15r).
Not dated.
Item d.
Treatise on the comprehension of the ultimate reality through six degrees by Abū al-Fatḥ ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn ʿAlī Qurayshī, a disciple of the Chishtī saint Sayyid Muḥammad Gīsūdarāz (d. 825/1422).
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 59v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios 67-79 sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks.
Not dated.
Item e.
Treatise on Ṣūfī doctrines relating to God, the universe, and man's destiny in this world and the hereafter, by Saʿd al-Dīn Maḥmūd Shabistarī "Nūrī" (d. 720/1320), author of the Gulshan-i rāz.
The work is divided into eight bāb.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 80v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated.
Item f.
Untitled epitome of Ṣūfī principles by an anonymous author.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 101r). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated.
Item g.
Definitions and explanations of Ṣūfī terms and doctrines with illustrative rubāʿī poems conventionally entitled Lavāʾiḥ, by the celebrated mystic, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī, whose name does not appear until the end.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 103v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Annotations in margins by later owners.
Not dated.
Item h.
Untitled commentary on the Islamic credo, by an unnamed author.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 121v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated.
Item i.
Ṣūfī discourse consisting of edifying aphorisms and anecdotes in prose and verse, by Burhān-i ʿĀrif who may be the same as Burhān al-Dīn ibn Kabīr Muḥammad al-Gujaratī al-Shaṭṭārī (d. 1083/1672-3).
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 129v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated.
Item j.
Ṣūfī treatise on divine love.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 138v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated
Item k.
Commentary on the rubāʿīyāt of Nūr al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī.
The author is not identified.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 159v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated
Item l.
Collection of the teachings of Shāh Vajīh al-Dīn Gujarātī (d. 998/1589), successor or khalīfah of Shaykh Muḥammad Ghaws̲ Gavāliyārī, that is, Abū Muʾayyid Muḥammad ibn Khāṭir al-Dīn, by an unnamed author.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 191v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks throughout.
Not dated.
Item m.
Ṣūfī treatise on the nature of God and spiritual qualities necessary in those undertaking the path of sufism, composed by Khūb Muḥammad Chishtī in 981/1573-4.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 202v). Rubrication in white ink. Folios 202-206 sprinkled with fine to course silver flecks.
Not dated
Item n.
Treatise on mystical love attributed to Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (d. 517/1123), brother of Abū Ḥamīd al-Ghazālī.
The work is divided into sixty-eight fuṣūl.
Illuminated sar'lawḥ (f. 202v). Rubrication in white ink.
Not dated.
This work is followed by an excerpt from the Marj al-baḥrayn or Marj al-baḥrayn va jāmiʿ al-ṭarīqayn attributed to Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis̲ (d. 1052/1642) on the definition of Ṣūfī groups and their status under fiqh or jurisprudence (ff. 253v-254v); written in a course nastaʿlīq hand by a later owner; not dated.
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