Delhi Persian 1157 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous works on Sufism, 5 works (a-e)
Item a.
Brief untitled Arabic treatise on Sufism by an unnamed author.
Not dated at end.
Awkward naskh hand.
Item b.
Extensive treatise on a wide range of Ṣūfī ideas inspired by a directive of the Prophet Muḥammad given in a dream (second Saturday in Rajab 825/July 1422) to the author, ʿAbd al-Nabī Muḥammad ibn Jaʿfar al-Ḥasanī al-Makkī.
The work has been organised into a series of forty-six letters (scheduled on f. 173) on discrete subjects addressed to the author’s son, Malik Maḥmūd Shaykhan, beginning 10 Rajab 825/9 July 1422 to 12 Rabīʿ I 827/22 February 1424.
Arabic passages, overlined in red, are incorrect, according to Levy.
Dated colophon (f. 172v): completed at the request of Bāz Khān-jīv by Muḥammad Badr al-Dīn, resident of qaṣbah Bāghpat (Uttar Pradesh, India), 18 Shavvāl in RY 14 of Emperor Muḥammad Shāh (1144)/14 April 1732.
Annotations in margins.
Item c.
Treatise on esoteric doctrines in Sufism by an unnamed author, written at the request of a friend.
Dense interlinear Persian translations in red for Arabic passages.
Dated colophon (f. 339r): completed by Muḥammad Badr al-Dīn, 13 Muḥarram in RY 9 of Emperor Muḥammad Shāh (1140)/15 September 1727.
Annotations in margins.
Item d.
Abridged Persian translation of the Arabic ʿAvārif al-maʿārif, a compendium of Ṣūfī doctrines by the saint Shihāb al-Dīn ʿUmar ibn Muḥammad al-Suhravardī (d. 632/1234) by one of his students, ʿIzz al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn ʿAlī al-Qāshānī (d. 735/1335).
The work comprises ten bāb, each subdivided into ten faṣl.
Dated colophon (f. 477v): completed at the request of Bāz Khān-jīv by Muḥammad Badr al-Dīn Qādirī Bāghpatī, morning of Monday, 8 Jumādá I 1140/22 December 1727.
Item e.
Untitled Ṣūfī essay on the existence of God as the singular basis of reality by an unnamed author.
The work is defective at end.
Not dated at end.
Physical Description
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