Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1168 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Miscellaneous works on Sufism, 5 works (a-e)


Summary of Contents: Collection of miscellaneous Arabic and Persian works on Sufism. Volume not dated; datable to early eighteenth century. Variable naskh, nastaʿlīq and shikastah āmīz hands, frequently omitting diacritics in annotations. Stamped foliation. Loose folded paper wrapper (ledger, probably from an Acquittance Roll, dated April 1835, Calcutta?), upper and lower parts missing, watermarked (initials VEIC, E WISE, 1831); torn, stained, and incomplete. Lacks original binding. Folios unbound; cropped, later repairs, stains, and wormholes. Condition, extremely fragile.
1. ff. 1v-10v

Item a.

Arabic treatise al-Risālat al-murshidīyah of Shaykh Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnavī (d. 672/1273) dealing with Ṣūfī methods of attaining unity with God.

Not dated at end.

Dense annotations at beginning (including selections from the Lavāʾiḥ attributed to Jāmī) and end.

Small, rough naskh hand.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
2. ff. 11v-21r

Item b.

Persian translation paraphrasing the Risālat al-murshidīyah of Shaykh Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnavī (d. 672/1273) dealing with Ṣūfī methods of attaining unity with God, written primarily by ʿAbd al-Ghafūr Lārī (d. 912/1506-7), a famous disciple of the eminent Ṣūfī, Jāmī Hiravī, aided by an unnamed assistant.

The treatise is divided into a muqaddimah followed by four sections termed qawl.

Colophon (f. 21r): completed by Hidāyat Allāh Ḥusaynī for Farīd al-Dīn Khān.

Not dated at end.

The work is followed by numerous and miscellaneous notes by later hands (ff. 21v-23r), mentioning the Mujaddid-i Alf-i S̲ānī.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
3. ff. 23r-39v

Item c.

Untitled Persian translation paraphrasing and commenting on an Arabic treatise dealing with Ṣūfī methods of attaining unity with God attributed to Abū al-Janāb Najm al-Dīn Kubrá (d. 618/1221), written by ʿAbd al-Ghafūr Lārī (d. 912/1506-7), a famous disciple of the eminent Ṣūfī, Jāmī Hiravī.

Not dated at end.

Annotations and corrections in margins, as well as the beginning.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
4. ff. 41v-44v
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item d.

Brief Naqshbandī Ṣūfī treatise on spiritual perfection and brotherhood by a certain Jalāl Hiravī, written at the request of his spiritual brethren.

The work is divided into two faṣl.

Not dated at end.

Extensive annotations in Arabic and Persian without diacritics at beginning (ff. 40r-41r).

5. ff. 45v-55r
Language(s): Arabic

Item e.

Untitled Arabic treatise on the origins of Naqshbandī Sufism by Tāj al-Dīn .

The work is divided into six sections termed ṭarīq.

Not dated at end.

Annotations in Arabic without diacritics at beginning and end, as well as in margins.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 56 ff. (+2 ff.)
Dimensions (leaf): 216 × 146 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 18th century CE ; India

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. 3. Available on British Library Digitised Manuscripts, manuscript number: MSS Eur E207/12_f014r


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