Delhi Persian 66* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Ghazzali's Kimiya us-sa'adah
1 copy of Kīmiyā-yi saʿādat by Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Ghazzālī, 1058-1111
Famous treatise on Sufism according to Sunnī doctrine by the Yaminid theologian, al-Ghazzālī al-Ṭūsī
Defective at beginning
Not dated, but reproduces the colophon of the original source, dated (f. 51v): Wednesday, 5 Rabīʿ al-Avval 1099/9 January 1688 or regnal year 32 of Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I
Annotations of later owner’s: 1) Mawlavī Muḥammad Aʿẓam Kashmīrī in dār al-khilāfah Shāhjahānābād; 2) Khvājah ʿĪd/ʿAnbar
Included at end (f. 52v), two recipes for medicated qahvah
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