Delhi Persian 71 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous works
Language(s): Persian & Arabic
Physical Description
Unidentified collection of Prophetic traditions with translation and commentary, comprised of 40 bābs
The work lacks any preface or introduction and begins with the first bāb
Dated colophon (f. 42v): 9 Rajab in regnal year 43 [of Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam?]/25 October 1803
Physical Description
Incomplete fragment of the treatise on ethics for rulers, entitled Akhlāq-i Muḥsinī (here written with a nassal ending), probably by Kamāl al-Dīn Ḥusayn Vāʿiẓ Kāshifī Bayhaqī
The work consists of forty bābs, but here ends abruptly in the thirty-third bāb
Defective at beginning and end
Not dated
Note (f. 43r), top left corner, stating the work was purchased with the aid of a certain Muḥammad Karīm Allāh
Replacement leafs (ff. 43-45) in neater and more legible shikastah āmīz hand than the older portion, which s in a more mannered, awkward naskh
Physical Description
Untitled biography of the prominent Sunnī theologian and jurist often referred to by the epithet Imām-i Aʿẓam, Abū Ḥanīfah Nuʿmān ibn S̲ābit al-Kūfī, endorsed as the Manāqib al-Ḥanīfah, ascribed to Shaykh Abū Saʿīd Abīvirdī
The work is divided into twelve maqṣad
Defective at end
Not dated
Note (f. 125r), top left corner, stating the work was purchased with the aid of a certain Muḥammad Karīm Allāh Erased seal at beginning
Torn at beginning
Physical Description
Unidentified Sunnī polemic written in response to a particular attack on the reputation of the prominent Sunnī theologian and jurist often referred to by the epithet Imām-i Aʿẓam, Abū Ḥanīfah Nuʿmān ibn S̲ābit al-Kūfī, in 15 Ramaz̤ān 1241/23 April 1826
Defective at end
Not dated
Physical Description
Mas̲navī based on a translation of the Sanskrit sex manual, the Kokashastra, possibly by the poet Rawshan Z̤amīr, recasting the work in unaffected Persian verse in 1192/1778. This is a rare and early copy
Containing contemporary references and passages praising Bengal, Navvāb Āṣaf al-Dawlah, Laṭāfat ʿAlī Khān (patron?), and the accession of the throne of the Timurud or Mughal Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam
Defective at beginning
Neatly written nastaʿlīq, but damaged by water; unbound, with covers
Dated colophon (f. 242r): 15 Ṣafar regnal year 24 of Shāh ʿĀlam, 1197/20 January 1783
Physical Description
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