Delhi Persian 961 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
1) Anis ul-arvah, 2) Dalil ul-'arifin
Item a.
Collection of twenty-eight discourse or majālis, attributed to ʿUs̲mān Hārūnī, and committed to text by the famous Chishtī saint, Muʿīn al-Dīn Ḥasan Sijzī, while at the mosque of Junayd in Baghdad, in 633/1236.
Not dated; circa mid to late sixteenth century.
Colophon (f. 35r) states scribe's name as Shāhī Aḥrārī.
Owner's seals at beginning (f. 1r): 1) faqīr ʿIṣmat Allāh Chishtī 1173/1759-60; 2) mālikuhu al-ʿab[d] Muḥammad Zāhid ʿafī ʿanhu (circular seal:) [Muḥammad Zā]hid murīd-i Ḥaz̤rat Awrangzīb ʿĀlamgīr Pādshāh [regnal year] aḥad, 1070/1659
Item b.
Collection of nine discourses or majālis, grouped into two qism, recording the mystical teachings of the Chishtī saint, Muʿīn al-Dīn Ḥasan Sijzī, by his pupil and successor, himself a Chishtī saint, Bakhtiyār Kākī (d. 633/1236).
Not dated; circa mid to late sixteenth century.
Physical Description
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