Delhi Persian 967A (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Malfuzat on Shaikh Farid Shakarganj
1 copy of Asrār al-awliyāʾ by Badr al-Dīn Isḥāq ibn ʿAlī Dihlavī
Biography recording the teachings of the Qādirī Ṣūfī saint and author of the Rāḥat al-qulūb, Shaykh Farīd al-Dīn Maṣʿūd the Ganj-i Shakar (d. 1265), by his disciple, son-in-law, and spiritual successor, Badr al-Dīn Dihlavī.
The work is divided into twenty-two chapters.
The text is neatly written in nastaʿlīq tending toward taʿlīq, with gold ruling, and an illuminated ʿunvān and sar'lawḥ, the pigments of which have degraded markedly. There is a valuation and magic square grid at the beginning. Upper half of the second folio missing. The volume ends (f. 106v) with a part Persian and part Hindavī ghazal attributed to the Ganj-i Shakar.
The work is bound, but lacking its original covers; water and fungal stains.
Dated colophon (f. 106r): completed by Mullā Muḥammad ʿAlī on 29 Jumādá al-Avval 1082/3 October 1671.
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