Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 3670 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Arabic and Persian grammars


Summary of Contents: Collection of works on Arabic and Persian grammar. Pencil drawings at beginning and end showing construction techniques for arches and bridges.
1. ff. 1r-20v

Treatise on Arabic grammar: the conjugation of regular verbs

Annotations (f. 1r): 1) Presented by I. H. Peile Esqr. Madras Cl. Services & recd. 19th Septr. 1818; 2) Transferred to Civil Coll: 9 Augt. 1819 C.I.M.

Not dated

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
2. ff. 142v-146v

Untitled Arabic morphology explained in Persian, possibly incomplete as text stops abruptly

Endorsed as: Kitāb-i rūzān, kitāb-i mis[t]ar Pīl ṣāḥib

Not dated

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
3. ff. 43v-84r

Untitled Persian grammar, without preface

Followed by exercises in pencil (f. 85r)

Inscription (f. 43r): From I. H. Peile Esqr. 19th Septr. 1818

Not dated

Language(s): Persian
4. ff. 88r-107v

Treatise on Arabic grammar

Colophon not dated: īn kitāb-i ṣarf-i Mīr dar milk-i Pīl Khān ṣāḥib PHVRY (?) Bahādur, kātib al-ḥurūf Sayyid Vāris̤

Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 116 ff. (112 + 4)
Dimensions (leaf): 205 × 150 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 19th century CE ; India


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