IO Islamic 3686 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Transcript for trial of Nawab Shamsuddaulah
Persian account and transcripts of verbal and documentary evidence (latter with drawings of seals) for the trial before the Magistrate's Court, Calcutta, 1211-13/1796-9, of Sayyid Aḥmad ʿAlī Khān entitled Navvāb Shams al-Dawlah (later Nawab of Dhaka, d. 1833) for treason against the English EIC in league with the Afghan ruler, Shāh Zamān
English summary and annotations on first flyleaf in various hands, one of which state's the volume belonged to John Buller, Esq., based on armorial bearings on bookplate (now missing)
Lot number H.&S.5261, for sale dated 22 May 1828, priced £1.11.6: according to label on back cover: Howell & Stewart, 295 Holborn, London, successors to Ogle Duncan & Co.
Original ornamental gilt tooling on deep green leather binding
Not dated
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