Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 3747 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Tarikh-i Sind of Muhammad Ma'sum


1 copy of Tārīkh-i Sind by Muḥammad Maʿṣūm "Nāmī" ibn Sayyid Ṣafāʾī al-Ḥusaynī al-Tirmiz̲ī

Tāʾrīkh-i Sind, also known as Tāʾrīkh-i Maʿṣūmī, by Sayyid Muḥammad Maʿṣūm "Nāmī" al-Ḥusaynī al-Tirmiz̲ī who traces his origins back to Sayyid Shīr Qalandar ibn Bābā Ḥasan Abdāl al-Sabzavārī al-Qandahārī

History of the rulers of Sind (Sindh) region, extending from the Umayyad period until its conquest by Mīrzā ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Khān the Khānkhānān for the Timurid or Mughal Emperor Akbar I

The work was written at the request of Mīr Buzurg (f. 3r), but there is no formal date of completion

The text comes to an abrupt end, probably because the author, Sayyid Muḥammad Maʿṣūm (son of Sayyid Ṣafāʾī, the shaykh al-Islam of Bhakkar), is sent on an embassy to Shāh ʿAbbās al-Ṣafavī I. On his return, the newly succeeding Emperor Jahāngīr granted him the title ʿAyn al-Mulk, but the author soon died in 1015/1606-7 at Bhakkar

The work is divided into 4 khabar or juzv (=juzʾ): 1) rulers representing the ʿUmayyid [and ʿAbbāsid] dynasties, 2) Sūmrah [and Sammah] dynasties, 3) Arghūn dynasty, and 4) independent and later vassal Tarkhān dynasty until the death of Jānī Bayg (4 Rajab 1011/1603) and the transfer of power to Mīrzā Ghāzī

Dated: written by Ghulām Muḥammad, 21 Muḥarram 1142/16 August 1729

Multiple owner inscriptions by Sayyid ʿAbd al-Qādir Chīnī (?)

IOL stamp: 5 Oct. 1907

Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 118 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 266 × 165 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 21 Muḥarram 1142 AH; 16 August 1729 CE ; India


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