IO Islamic 3930 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
Vaqa'i'-i Holkar
1 copy of Vaqāʾiʿ-i Hūlkar by Mūhan Singh
History of the Maratha ruler, Jasvant Rao Holkar, the Maharajah of Indore, with a short account of his predecessors
Composed in 1223 / 1808 by Mohan Singh
Colophon details (scribe: Khalīfah Aḥsan Allāh) and date (4 Shaʿbān 1223, year 2 of Akbar Pādshāh's reign) resembles the colophon of a manuscript of the same work in Bankipore (Khudabakhsh Public Oriental Library, Patna, Bihar)
Transcribed by order of G. J. Nicholls, Judge at Farrukhabad, from a manuscript obtained from Agra
Physical Description
Poor nastaʿlīq
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