Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 3980 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Irvine Collection

Tarikh-i Muhammadi


1 copy of Tārīkh-i Muḥammadī by Muḥammad ibn Rustam Muʿtamad Khān ibn Qubād

Preface, heading of prolegomenon (muqaddimah) only, and necrology (covering 1050-1208/1640-1794) from a general history, starting with the first year of the Hijrī era, composed in 1124/1712

According to Storey, the present manuscript is less accurate than the set I.O.Islamic 3889-3890

Not dated

Language(s): Persian

Transcribed by order of G. J. Nicholls, Judge at Farrukhabad, from a manuscript obtained from Agra

Filiation: According to Irvine's note (f. 1r), copied from an original manuscript in the possession of Mīr Faz̤l ʿAlī of Farrukhābād, heir of Muftī Valī Allāh (Waliullah)

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 105 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 180 × 270 mm.


Small and neat nastaʿlīq




Origin: 1893 CE ; India

Provenance and Acquisition

William Irvine


William Irvine

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. 3. Available on British Library Digitised Manuscripts, manuscript number: MSS Eur E207/5


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