Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 3985 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Irvine Collection

Imdad fi ma'asir al-ajdad


1 copy of Imdād fī maʾās̲ir al-ajdād by Valī Allāh Dihlavī

Short hagiographic account treated as a separate work describing the author's ancestors

The work forms the whole of faṣl 1 of qism 3 from the larger work on the miracles and contributions of the author's family and teachers, the Anfās al-ʿārifīn

Each qism and every faṣl has been treated as a detachable work

According to Storey, the Hijrī year specified in the colophon (1213/1799) may be a mistake, and should read 1312/1895, in keeping with the period of transcription

Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 8 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 274 × 177 mm.


Rough nastaʿlīq

. Scribe: Muḥammad Ḥasan, the student of Persian



Origin: 29 Ram. 1213 AH; 1799 CE ; India NB: see notes

Provenance and Acquisition

William Irvine


William Irvine

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. 3. Available on British Library Digitised Manuscripts, manuscript number: MSS Eur E207/9_f226r


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