IO Islamic 4020 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
Vaqa'i'-i Kohistan
1 copy of Vaqāʾiʿ-i kūhistān by Muḥammad Faz̤l ʿAẓīm "ʿAẓīm"
Combined prose (nas̲r) and versified (mas̲navī) account of the Nepalese war, 1814-16, completed before 1269 / 1853
Author was an eyewitness to the events, having accompanied William Fraser (political agent to General Martindell's army) as secretary
Author also wrote another mas̲navī, Shamʿ-i shabistān, on the love of an unnamed youth for a lady named Navratan, completed in 1269 / 1853
Not dated
Transcribed by order of G. J. Nicholls, Judge at Farrukhabad, from a manuscript obtained from Agra
Physical Description
Rough and inelegant nastaʿlīq
in watery ink. Scribe: Hari Parshād
Note by William Irvine on brown-paper cover: "Got through Mr Rustomjee at Fathpur. Rec.d 15/5/93"
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