IO Islamic 4022 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
Javahir-i khamsah
1 copy of Javāhir-i khamsah by Ibn Khaṭīr al-Dīn, Muḥammad, d. 1562 or 3
Rare treatise concerned chiefly with practical aspects of Sufism, especially prayer and invocations by Abū l-Muʾayyid Muḥammad ibn Khaṭīr al-Dīn (or Quṭb al-Dīn), known as Muḥammad Ghaws̲ Gvāliyārī (d. 970/1562-3) who claimed to be descended from Farīd al-Dīn ‘Aṭṭār
The author explains in his preface that the work was composed during years of living in solitary retreat and was completed in 956/1549-50, when he was fifty years of age
The subjects of the 5 jawhar are listed on f. 6r: 1) worship (Dar ʿibādat-i ʿābidān va ṭarīq-i ān); 2) asceticism (Dar zuhd-i zāhidān va ṭarīq-i ān), 3) prayer (Dar daʿvat-i dāʿiyān va ṭarīq-i ān), 4) invocations and similar exercises (Dar az̲kār va ashghāl); 5) on inheritance of the Truth, the work of the spiritually realised (varās̲at al-Ḥaqq ʿamal-i muḥaqqiqān va ṭarīq-i ān)
There also exists an Arabic version of the same work
Colophon (f. 185v) indicates different sections were completed by different scribes and over different periods. Jawhar 1, most of 3, and 4-5 was copied by Hidāyat Allāh Qādirī Shaṭṭārī, brother of Buzurg Miyān Vajīh Allāh. Written mostly at the khānqāh of Shāh Hidāyat Allāh. Jawhar 3 mostly completed at the khānqāh of Ḥaz̤rat Ashraf al-vafāʾ Quṭb-i Dhāmūnī Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad Maḥbūb Allāh Awliyāʾ Dhāmūnī. The majority of the work was completed in the masjid-i khaṣṣ of these 2 quṭb. Date: Jumʿah ghurrah (=1) of Muḥarram al-Ḥarām 1189
Several notes by William Irvine and a letter addressed to him by AG Ellis (32 Willow Road, Hampstead)
Note included between ff. 49-50, stating that the manuscript was found at the house of Mawlavī Niʿmat Allāh, servant of Shāh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ṣāḥib Awrangābādī of Lucknow's Firangi Mahal; it entered the English post room (dāk khānah-yi Angrīz) at Lucknow, 4 Jum. I (year not stated)
Additional sections at beginning and end consisting of unrelated works on genealogy (especially the sisilah of Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad Maḥbūb Allāh Awliyāʾ), numerology, additional prayers, etcetera.
Seal of ownership (small, rectangular, horizontal) on f. 6v: Shaykh Nijābat ʿAlī 1258. Good clean impression
Very poor condition
Copied from an original =-=-=-=-
Physical Description
Multiple hands: 1) neat scribal naskhī; 2) neat nastaʿlīq; 3) rough nastaʿlīq; 4) careless shikastah āmīz
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