IO Islamic 4031 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
Ta'rikh-i Iradat Khan
1 copy of Tārīkh-i Irādat Khān by Mubārak Allāh Vāz̤iḥ
Author entitled Irādat Khān, with the takhalluṣ or pseudonym Vāz̤iḥ
Autobiography relating events from the death of Aurangzeb as Timurid or Mughal Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I (d. 1118 / 1707) to Emperor Farrukh Siyar's entry into Shāhjahānābād (Delhi) 7 years later, in Muḥarram 1125 / 1713. The account thus covers the wars of succession and reigns of Bahādur Shāh, Jahāndār Shāh, and Farrukh Siyar
Work completed by author in 1126 / 1714
Account comprises a little over half of the narrative
Bound between the opening leaves of the ʿIbratnāmah of Muḥammad ibn Muʿtamad Khān
Not dated
Copied from an original =-=-=-=-
Physical Description
Clear nastaʿlīq. Scribe: Muḥammad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz
Copious notes by William Irvine attached at beginning and end of volume
Record Sources
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