IO Islamic 4053 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
List of rulers, Mogul and Bengal
Title of probably doubtful authenticity on title page (f. 1r): Ās̲ār-i salaf
Author not identified
List of Muslim rulers of 1) Hindustan (north India), extending from King Shihāb al-Dīn Ghūrī to Timurid or Mughal Emperor ʿĀlamgīr II; 2) Bengal, extending from the Sultanate period sultans to the Mughal nāẓims, until Z̲ī al-Ḥijjah 1209 / 1795
Ruled jadvals include the ruler's name / title, date of accession, date of death
Although Storey understands a date written on the title page (f. 1r) to be the date of completion (1212 / 1797-8), this is invalidated by the inclusion of a later date in the opening statement (Z̲ī al-Ḥijjah 1215 / 1801, regnal year 43 of Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam)
Defective at end
Physical Description
Clear, calligraphic nastaʿlīq
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