Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 4055 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Irvine Collection

Miscellany of prose and poetry


Description on title page: ‘From a diary by an officer in Fazl Ali Khan's Service [1764-65]’

Fragment from a larger miscellany anonymously compiled, consisting of 1) prose literary works and refined correspondence and 2) selections of poetry, interspersed with lengthier compositions

Compositions include, for example: autobiographical fragment by Aḥmad Valī (brother of Muḥammad Mustajāb); ruqʿah of Mullā Ḥasan Jaryākūtī (?); qaṣīdah by Nāẓim Hirātī; tarkīb by Muḥtasham ʿAlī Khān "Ḥashmat"; Mukhammas-i shahr āshūb of Mīrzā Rafīʿ "Sawdā"; ruqaʿāt; Hindī gīt in praise of Navvāb ʿAlī ʿAẓīm Khān Bahādur; Urdu ghazals and manqabat by Mīrzā Rafīʿ "Sawdā", "Aḥmadī", and Miyān Salāmat ʿAlī "Salāmat" (student of Aḥmadī); medicinal preparation for diqq; Nāṣir al-Dīn Ṭūsī's explanation for the purpose of durūd for the Prophet Muḥammad; excerpt from the Mirʾāt al-ʿārifīn; Shaṭḥīyāt dar taṣavvuf by Munīf Qalandarīyah

The vast selection of verses also includes those by named poets: Irādat Khān "Vāz̤iḥ"; Dārā Shukūh; Ṭālib "Kalīm"; Ḥājī Muḥammad Jān "Qudsī"; Mīrzā Muḥammad Qulī "Salīm"; Mīrzā "Faṣīḥī"; ʿInāyat Khān "Āshnā"; Shaykh "Fayz̤ī"; "Fighānī"; "Jāmī"; Amīr "Khusraw"; "Naẓīrī"; "Ẓuhūrī"; Mīrzā Jalāl "Sayādat"; Mīrzā "Ṣāʾib" Iṣfahānī; Mīr ʿAbd al-Raḥīm "Jashnī"; Rāy Amar Singh; Muḥammad Saʿīd "Iʿjāz"; "Khāliṣ"; Sayyid Ḥusayn "Khāliṣ"; Kalyān Singh; "Ḥusayn"; "ʿUrfī"; "Istighnā"; Mīrzā Bū ʿAlī "Hātif"; Saʿd Allāh Khān ṣāḥib "ʿĀshiq"; "Khvushdil"; "Āṣafī"; "Ḥāfiẓ"; Saʿīd Allāh Khān; Saʿīd "Ashraf"; Muḥammad Ibrāhīm; "Ārzū"; Mīr Tafākhur Ḥusayn "S̲āqib"; "Maẓhar"; Zīb al-Nisāʾ Baygum; Lārdarī/Lādarī (?); Raz̤ī "Dānish"; "Vaḥshī"; Muḥammad Ḥusayn Mashhadī; Mullā "Aʿlá" Tūrānī; "Ahlī"; Muqīmā-yi "Iḥsān"; Mullā "Muḥtasham"; Mullā "Muʿallim"; "Fawjī"; Nāṣir ʿAlī; Muḥammad Bayg "Ḥaqīqī" Gujarātī; "Bīnish" Kashmīrī; "Qismī"; "Ḥayrān"; Muḥammad ʿAlī "Ḥazīn"; "Aḥmadī"; Muḥammad Jamīl "Talāsh"; Āqā ʿAlī; ASVR (?); Mīrzā Hujv "Fidavī"; Rājah "Mawzūn"; Mullā ʿAlī "Tajallī"; Mīr Muḥammad Afz̤al "Sarkhvush"; "Sharābī"; "Sayādat" Lāhawrī; Sayyid ʿAlī Khān; Mīrzā Sanjar; Qāqulā "Siyāhī" (?); "Sāyir" Mashhadī; "Sālik" Qazvīnī; Āqā Raz̤ī; ʿAbd al-Qādir "Bīdil"; "Bāz̲il"; Abū al-Ḥasan "Bīgānah"; Mīrzā Khalīl; ʿAẓīm ʿAlī; "Sālik" Yazdī; Bāqir; Muḥammad Ikhlāṣ "Vāmiq"; Muḥammad "Rafīʿ"; Mūsavī Khān "Fiṭrat"; "Faghfūrī"; Mullā "Qumī" of Iran; Mīr "Nijāt"; Himmat Khān; Mullā "Nisbatī"; "Nāṭiq"; "Nādim" Gīlānī; "Maʿná"; "Ḥakkāk"; "Gulshan"; Mīrzā "Maʿṣūm" Kāshī; Qāsim "Dīvānah"; Faraj Allāh Shūshtarī; Amānat Khān son of Navvāb Khānkhānān; Jalāl "Asīr"; Mawlavī Rūm; "Khāqānī"; "Saʿdī"; "Shawkat" Bukhārī; "Mukhliṣā" Kāshī; Mīrzā "Muʿizz"; "Ṭālibā"; "Fāʾiq"; Mullā "Shaydā"; "Sāqī"

Not dated

Language(s): Persian and Urdu

Copied from an original =-=-=-=-

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 60 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 209 × 116 mm.

Stamped numbers

Begins f.64; ends f.124


Rough and large nastaʿlīq, Indian taʿlīq, shikastah āmīz


Origin: 18th century CE ; India

Provenance and Acquisition

William Irvine

ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz


William Irvine


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Funding of Cataloguing



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