Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 4066 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Irvine Collection

Insha' of Harikaran


1 copy of Inshāʾ by Harikaran ibn Mathurādās Kanbūh Multānī

Title: Inshāʾ
Title: انشا

Fragment from a larger collection of official ordinances and letters, as well as private correspondence from the latter part of the reign of the Timurid or Mughal Emperor Jahangir, compiled by the munshīʾ Harikaran (or Harkarn), the son of Mathuradas Kanboh Multani

Although the author had worked for Khvājah Iʿtiqād Khān, a relative of Nurjahan and Asaf Khan, the author wrote te work while in retirement at Mathura at the request of his friends. He intended it as a ‘yādgār’ (memorial) to impart wisdom to its readers.

The work begins with a preface, which describes the collection as divided into 7 bāb or sections according to the status and type of document

Defective at end

Not dated

Language(s): Persian

Copied from an original =-=-=-=-

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Unburnished paper
Extent: 56 ff. (unfoliated)
Dimensions (leaf): 237 × 160 mm.


Crudely rough shikastah āmīz in watery ink


Origin: 18th century CE ; India

Provenance and Acquisition

William Irvine


William Irvine


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Funding of Cataloguing



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