IO Islamic 4070 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Irvine Collection
Ni'mat Khan 'Ali, 5 works in poetry and prose
Autobiographical preface or dībāchah by the poet ʿĀlī introducing the collection of his poetical works, with a lengthy explanation for his poetic pseudonym and various titles and posts at the Timurid or Mughal court of Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I
Faded ʿunvān at beginning
Collection of poems in varied forms and genres by the poet ʿĀlī
ʿUnvān at beginning
Untitled lengthy mas̲navī by the poet ʿĀlī on sufi themes, containing a number of edifying anecdotes
ʿUnvān at beginning
Brief mas̲navī by the poet ʿĀlī on sufi allegorical themes, based on the Avadhi Mrigavatitradition
ʿUnvān at beginning
Detailed account in refined prose and poetry in an ironic tone by the poet ʿĀlī of the siege and conquest of the capital of the Quṭbshāhī Deccan kingdom, Hydrabad, by the forces of the Timurid or Mughal Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I, in 1097/1686
ʿUnvān at beginning
Defective at end
Physical Description
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