IO Islamic 4350 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Bengal khalisah revenue records
Collection of miscellaneous revenue records, with details in raqm annotation, from differing origins and dates for provinces comprising the Bengal khāliṣah-'i sharīfah, including Orissa and Benares, and especially the z̤ilaʿ of Birbhum (West Bengal State)
Accounts cover the banglah years 1195, 1203 (May-December 1796 Angrezi), and 1214 (faṣlī 1215/1809 Angrezi). The latest dated record continues until 1811 Angrezi
Note in English (f. 4r) dated 30 Sept. 1796, with the rectangular seal impression of Gaurī Shankar (apparently not dated)
Not dated
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