Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 4354 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Transcripts of legal documents, scroll


Scroll assembling transcripts for trial evidence, over 149 documents (applications for appeal, appendices, original verdicts, supporting deeds, accounts, etcetera), submitted to the Court of Appeal (Ṣadr-i Apīl), ʿAẓīm'ābād (Patna, Bihar), in the case (muqaddimah) of Rajah Shiv Nath Sahi and Bed Khan and others, appellants, against Maharajah Muni Nath Singh, respondent/defendant, both residents of Ramgadh (Patna), presented Wednesday, 18 November, 1795

Some documents have been endorsed by legal and EIC officials, with dates

Prefixed with lengthy list of contents

Ownership inscription at beginning in English torn

Headed by impression of the large circular trilingual seal of office in Persian, Bengali, Bhojpuri in Kaithi (Kāʾithī) script; the last two legends transliterate the Persian legend: [muhr-i ʿadāla]t-i dīvānī-'i [Ṣa]dr [1207]

Adjacent inscription attesting to the accuracy of contents, torn: naql muṭābiq-i aṣl [ast al-ʿabd] Nasīm Allāh munshī-'i ʿadāla[t-i dīvānī-'i Ṣadr]

Impressions of the seal of office placed on reverse side, over the joins between paper sheets, presently obscured (along with other inscriptions) by stiff and opaque cloth backing

Torn, creased, warped, stained, wormholes; fragile

Language(s): Persian, Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Bhojpuri (Kaithi), and English

Physical Description

Form: scroll
Extent: 1 f.
Dimensions (leaf): 44196 × 210 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 18 November 1795 CE ; Patna, India


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