IO Islamic 4521 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
History of Muzaffar Shah II of Gujarat
1 copy of a work by Qāniʿī
Brief untitled account in florid prose and verse of Mandu's (then called Shādī'ābād) capture by the forces of Sulṭān Abū al-Naṣr Muẓaffar Shāh II of Gujarat, in 924/1518, by the author identified as Qāniʿī (Mīr Sayyid ʿAlī)
Scribe: Mānik Laʿl valad-i Tarang Laʿl Bharam (?) Khatrī, resident of Ahmadabad
Dated: 6 Ramaz̤ān 1267/1851, at Ahmadabad
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