Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

IO Islamic 4813 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Gulistan and Bustan of Sa'di, illustrated


1 copy of Gulistān by Saʿdī

Illuminated and illustrated copy of the Gulistānof Sa'di in the main text panel (ff. 1r-127v), with the Būstān بوستانwritten obliquely in the margin (ff. 1r-135v)

Defective at beginning, with the 2-3 folios having been lost at most

As the Gultistān's text ends before the Būstān, the main text panel is filled with Arabic poems and prayers selected from within the Guilstān with interlinear Persian translation and other Persian works, such as by Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī(ff. 128r-135v)

Some tears and loose folios

Colophons (ff. 127v, 135v), the first being the most detailed: completed by Fayz̤ Allāh valad-i Imām Bakhsh ibn-i Saʿd Allāh Lāhawrī, in the Muḥallah Kharrāṭiyān(wood turner's district), in the Dār al-Salṭanah Lāhawr(Lahore), at noon (ẓuhr), Friday, 10 Jumādá al-Avval 1243/29 November 1827

Illustrations (33 in total) in the early-nineteenth-century Kashmīrī or Panjābī style of painting typical of the Sikh period of rule (ff. 1v, 10r, 23r, 33r, 36v, 46r, 57v, 60r, 61r, 65r, 67v, 71r, 75v, 77r, 80r, 82r, 83r, 85v, 86v, 88r, 89v, 91v, 95r, 96v, 97v, 100v, 101v, 103v, 105r, 109r, 111r, 115v, 117r)

Elaborate papier-mâché rawghanī boards, brightly painted on the outside with abstracted designs of a floral bouquet in a bulbous vase on an inverted ornametal braket, set within a tall oval frame, and on the inside, variegated flowering plants within a tall oval frame

Loose slips of Arabic magical prayers between ff. 87-88

Language(s): Persian & Arabic
Title: Gulistān
Author: Saʿdī سعدى

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 135 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 285 × 190 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 10 Jumādá al-Avval 1243 AH; 29 November 1827 CE ; Lahore, India


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