Or 15648 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Calligraphic Qur'an with Persian translation
1 copy of Qur’ān
Folios from a calligraphic illuminated Qur’ān, probably dating from the later 7th/13th or the 8th/14th century, with Persian interlinear paraphrase.
The text content comprises two continuous passages and in addition a single folio (f. 32) with another passage. Four lines at the beginning of Sūrah 19 are supplied in a later hand, and a few words on the following folio have been supplied following loss of the original and the repair of the top right recto corner.
The contents are as follows: 19, 1 - 72, 82 (part) - 98; 20; 21; 22, 1 - 48 (part); 49, 27 (part) - 52; 74, 12 - 20; 75, 1 - 48; 76, 4 (part) - 31; 77; 78: 79, 1 - 28; 81, 3 - 29; 82; 83; 95; 96.
Other contents: f. 1r, Qur’ānic verses and notes; 1v, addition of text lost from the beginning of Sūrah XI, in both large and small naskhī.
Title supplied.
Physical Description
Many leaves have been repaired, some with minor loss of text, and two have been leaf-cast.
9 lines per page
Arabic text in large vocalised muḥaqqaq, Persian in small naskhī. Noteworthy features of the muḥaqqaq include tails of letters curving and extended to the far right hand margin, e.g. on folio 9r.
Numerous illuminated sūrah headings in gold and simple colouring of variable quality, mainly good; also illuminated text divisions, for verses, tens, etc. in gold, blue and black.
Orange-brown morocco binding of high quality, with gilt embossed medallions and illustrations; doublures light olive green with gilt and blue central medallions with cutout filigree ornament and gold plain and chain-link margin lines.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased July 2000.
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact British Library, Registering for a Reader Pass. Contact apac-enquiries@bl.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. For information on catalogues and ordering manuscripts see Finding and ordering Persian manuscripts in the British Library.
Funding of Cataloguing
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