Or 15867 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Miftah al-surur-i ʻAdilshahi
1 copy of Miftāḥ al-surūr-i ‘Ādilshāhī by Maḥmūd Ayāz
Miftāḥ al-surūr-i ‘Ādilshāhī, a medical treatise, comprising a muqaddimah, three maqālats, and a khātimah.
The author identifies himself as Maḥmūd Ayāz, and states that he had to emigrate from Malwa because of the strife that had brought hardship to Muslims there. Judging by the title, given on f. 3v, the work must have been composed at or near Bijapur and not later than the 11th/17th century. It is dedicated to one of the ‘Ādilshāh rulers: Ghiyās al-Dīn, Nāṣir al-Dīn, or Tāj al-Dīn; numerous titles are given. The date 922/1516-17 and the place Burhanpur are mentioned in the preface on f. 2v. This implies that the patron concerned was Ismā‘īl ibn Yūsuf (reg. 916-41/1510-34).
Only one other copy of Miftāḥ al-surūr has been traced in published sources: British Library IO Islamic 2473, dated 8 Ramazān of regnal year 20, corresponding (if the reign is Muḥammad Shāh’s) to 1151/20 December 1738. See Ethé IO I, cols. 1262-3; Storey, PL II/1, p. 232.
The subjects of the maqālats are as follows: 1 (f 8v-15v) Andar nigāh dāshtan-i quvvat: on preserving one’s vitality; 2 (15v-43v) Dar bayān-i ma‘rifat-i adviyah-i mufradah ...: on simple remedies and exhilarants, and the preparation of remedies and unguents of various kinds; 3 (43v-57r) Andar ṭa‘āmhā-yi mufradah va murakkab kih shāyistah-i īn ‘amal and: on foods, simple and compounds, suited to medicinal purposes.
Physical Description
Worm damage on many folios, not affecting legibility of text.
Red headings and overlinings.
Several folios contain extensive additions in the margins.
Red morocco binding with blind-stamped medallions with floral design at centre and corners with pendants, back and front.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased at Bonhams sale 24 April 2002, lot 69.
Record Sources
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