Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or 15874 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Oriental Manuscripts

Treatises on farriery


Summary of Contents: A collection of treatises on farriery, together with various brief compilations of medicinal formulae for equine ailments. The first text in the manuscript, but probably the last to be copied, is in Urdu, as are parts of the third and fourth and some of the remedies elsewhere in the manuscript; the remainder is in Persian. The folios from 241 to the end are all of similar paper and most of the texts are copied by the same hand, probably during the 13th/19th century.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 389 ff. with 11 blank leaves
Dimensions (leaf): 236 × 150 mm.





Multiple text frames: black, gold, yellow, red, green and black. Gold and polychrome floral motifs and designs of Central Asian type on most folios.

One horse miniature, f. 275r, measuring 236 x 150 mm.; this depicts a gold-coloured horse with puce bridle etc. and gold bit against a blank background, with a strip of blue sky above and a hilly landscape dotted with bushes, not to scale and blue in colour.



Red morocco binding with impressed medallions and borders, yellow lines, and spine label reading: D / Ṭibb / (17) / Duldul-nawāznāmah / qalamī.


Origin: 1750 - 1861 CE Partly copied at ; Vellore, Deccan. Colophons dated from 1798 to 1860/61

Provenance and Acquisition


Purchased from Bonhams sale 24 April 2002, lot 120.



Language(s): Urdu

1. ff 1v-72v

A treatise in Urdu on equine diseases and their treatment. By ‘Abd al-Qādir of Vellore (Aylūr), composed in 1221/1806-7. The author states in the preface that his work is derived from various reliable sources.

Copied in 1277/1860-61 by Qāsim Khān ibn Aḥmad Khān ibn Ḥasan Khān Muhmand al-Nīknām'ābādī, for Ghulām Rasūl Khān Jam‘dār ibn ‘Abd Allāh Khān Jam‘dār ibn Ḥasan Khān Mandūza’ī.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Slightly grey and thin laid paper with crown watermark; ff. 1-3 and the preceding blank are green.
Extent: 72 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 236 × 150 mm.
Dimensions (written): 175 × 130 mm.



11 lines.


Spindly, rather large nasta‘līq script. Copied by Qāsim Khān ibn Aḥmad Khān ibn Ḥasan Khān Muhmand al-Nīknām'ābādī.


Illuminated text openings on f. 1v-2r and 11v-12r. Illuminated poetical dā’irah, f. 9v. Red headings, overlinings, original pagination (139 p).


Origin: 1277 (1860 - 1861) AH ; India



Language(s): Persian

2. ff 74v-112v

A Persian treatise on farriery by Ḥāmid ibn ‘Alīm, in 60 chapters (bāb) of which only 58 have headings. The last two, however, are much the longest.

The chapters and their subjects, are listed on f. 74v-76r. Folios 106v-112v contain a chapter comprising medicinal formulae in verse; folios 113r-115v contain talismans.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Thick, cream-coloured laid paper.
Extent: folios
Dimensions (written): 195 × 109 mm.


Angular inelegant nastaʻlīq.


Origin: 18th-19th centuries CE



Language(s): Urdu and Persian

3. ff 116r-120r

Miscellaneous texts, mainly in Urdu, containing remedies for aging and/or ailing horses.

The recipe for treating equine depression (f. 120r) is a later addition.

Title is supplied.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Beige paper of medium thickness.  


11 lines per page.




Origin: 18th-19th centuries CE



Language(s): Urdu

4. ff. 120v-123v

Further medicinal formulae for treatment of horses, in Urdu.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Beige paper of medium thickness.  


15 lines.




Origin: 18th-19th centuries CE



5. ff. 124v-237v

A Persian treatise on farriery, translated from an Urdu version of the Sanskrit Salihotra by Khvājah Ḥasan valad-i Khvājah Maḥmūd, of the township (qaṣaba) of Antur, Nagpur. The translation was completed in Muḥarram of an unspecified regnal year: Sāl-i julūs-i humāyūn muṭābiq-i sana (sic).

The work comprises 9 chapters (bāb), which are listed on f. 125v-126r.

The lengthy colophon states that this work was composed at the behest of John Raven in the sūba of Arcot, and confusingly refers to it by the additional title Faras al-favā’id; but this work is very different from the rare illustrated text of that name by Dā’ūd Khān valad-i Yāsīn Khān (BL Or. 14256).

There are two spaces on each page for illustrations, which were never added.

Colophon, f. 237r-v. Copied by Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad ‘Aẓīm al-Dīn, and completed at Maḥmūd Bandar, known as Firangī-pattah, on 25 Jumādā l-ūlà 1221/10 August 1806.

Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Off-white paper, probably Indian.
Extent: folios
Dimensions (written): 195 × 108 mm.


13 lines.


Good clear nastaʻlīq. Copyist: Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad ‘Aẓīm al-Dīn


Red headings. Text frames: red, red, blue.


Origin: 25 Jumādā l 1221 AH; 10 August 1806 CE ; Maḥmūd Bandar.



6. ff. 277r-290r

A further collection of remedies for equine ailments. A sizeable number of words have been crossed through, a feature found in some other works in the present collection, rendering the text difficult to read.

Language(s): Persian
7. ff. 290r-330v

A summary of teachings in the Sanskrit text , Salihotra, a general treatise on horses and farriery.

The present text comprises eleven bābs, subdivided into faṣls, the contents of which are listed on f. 290r-291r.

Language(s): Persian
8. ff. 335v-340v

Treatise giving remedies for khūbak, another equine ailment. The title is derived from the opening words of the text.

Language(s): Persian
9. ff. 343r-385r

Another treatise on farriery, apparently based on the Sanskrit Salihotra. The actual title is found in the colophon.

Colophon, f. 385r. Completed on 15 Ṣafar 1213/29 July 1798.

Other contents: f. 74r, 113r-115v, 238v-240v, 331r-333r (headed Adviyah barā-yi chakaval va pushtāk), 334v, 335v-340v, 341r-342r, 385r-387r (headed Mutafarriqāt-i adviya házih), 387v-389r: miscellaneous medicines, Arabic talismanic formulae, etc.; those on f. 387r-v are in Urdu.

Language(s): Persian with some Urdu and Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Off-white paper of medium thickness


Mostly 15 lines





Origin: 15 Ṣafar 1213 AH; 29 July 1798 CE ; India.

Additional Information

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in M.I. Waley, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts acquired 2000-2014.


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