Or 15961 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Two medical treatises
Two medical treatises
A medical treatise comprising two parts (maqālah), each in five chapters (faṣl). The first maqālah concerns ophthalmic medicine; the second, the treatment of ulcers. This work was composed by Muḥammad Bāqir ibn Mahmūd for Shāh ‘Abbās I Ṣafavī (reg. 996-1038/1588-1629). See Storey, PL II/2 E, p. 251; the work is not found in FNKhF or Fonahn, ZQPM.
Title supplied.
A concise medical treatise, on cupping, by Muḥammad Bayg, of whom nothing appears to be known, comprising six chapters (bāb), subdivided into faṣls.
The present manuscript is incomplete at the end, the text finishing one-third of the way down the last page. The faṣl headings are missing, apart from the first. Hence there are gaps in many lines, each of which indicates the beginning of a new section.
Storey PL II/2 p. 315, records five other manuscripts. See also Fonahn, ZQPM no. 101, p. 58; no mention in Munzavī, FNKhF.
Physical Description
15 lines in text 1, 25 lines in text 2. In safīnah (oblong) format.
Nasta‘līq , uncultivated but clear in text 1; rather small and dense in text 2.
1r, notes on the two works, in English; 96v, a medicinal recipe, added diagonally below the end of the text, in a later hand.
Reddish-brown calf binding with cutout ornamentation in white.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased from Bonhams sale 1 May 2003, lot 53.
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact British Library, Registering for a Reader Pass. Contact apac-enquiries@bl.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. For information on catalogues and ordering manuscripts see Finding and ordering Persian manuscripts in the British Library.
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