Or 16143 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Ottoman literary and lexicographical dastūr al-‘amal
1 copy of Nuskhah-'i dastūr al-ʿamal by Riyāz̤ī Muḥammad Afandī, 1572-1644
A literary and lexicographical work by Riyāz̤ī Muḥammad Afandī (Riyâzı̂ Mehmed Efendi, d. 1054/1644), composed ca. 1016/1607. This work comprises explanations of 1050 Persian phrases and expressions, each of which is defined or explained in Ottoman Turkish. In many cases a point of Persian grammar is elucidated. The phrases and expressions are illustrated by verses from Persian poets. The preface is in Turkish.
Best known for his Taz̲kirah of 400 poets and his Dīvān, Riyāz̤ī was a religious scholar (in fact a pupil of the famous Shaykh al-Islām Abū al-Suʿūd Afandī) as well as an accomplished man of letters. On this author and his works see G. Alpay Tekin, ‘Riyazi’, İA fasc. 99, pp. 751-3; eadem, ‘Riyāḍī’, EI2, VIII, pp. 548-9; ‘OM II, p. 183; GOW p. 177; HOP III, pp. 200-201 and 284-6; F. Babinger
Dastūr al-ʿamal is divided into numerous chapters (bāb) according to the alphabetical order of the initial letter and vocalization of the first word of the phrase; thus the first phrase is ‘āb dar dahānash āmad’.
Begins: ‘Basmalah... Sipās-i ferāvān o̲l Mütekellim-i bī-zebānạ erzānīdirkị īfā-yi s̲anā-yi bī-pāyān içü̲n her dehānạ bir lisān ve her lisānạ bir beyān virdi̲ ... Bāb ül-Elif il-meftūḥạ... āb der dehāneş āmed a̲ġzı̲ ṣu̲landī... Kemāl-i İṣfehānī... Naẓīm... Chā dīd ṭalʿat-ī khaṣm-i turush-liqāyat-rā / niyām-i tīgh-i tū-rā āb dar dahān āmad... O̲l ṣūyạ āb-ī ḥasret di̲rler... ’
Ends: ‘Naẓm... Gar āyad kih pīsh-i tū gūyam durūgh / durūgh andar ārad sar-i man bi-yūgh, Dil-khastah ba-dū qalam shikastah / īnast khaṭṭ-i shikastah bastah, Ba-yādgār nivishtam īn kitābat-rā / agarchih īn khaṭṭ-i man lāyiq-i kitābat nīst’
Other contents: inside cover, a brief description of the manuscript, written for or by a bookseller and including the price of £2; f. 1r, an Arabic in twelve couplets, headed Ḳaṣīdẹ muḥmelet ül-ḥurūf noḳtạsız, but in fact copied in fully vocalised naskhī; inscriptions recording previous ownership, including that of A.G. Ellis and A.M. Belshah; f. 53v, an anecdote in Arabic concerning a man's desire to eat a francolin (darrāj) seen flying overhead.
Dated 1161/1747.
Clear naskhī. 15 lines. Red headings, text dividers, and overlinings. Thick off-white laid paper, apparently unsized. 53 folios. 219 x 156 mm.; text area 165 x 104 mm. Limp red morocco covers with simple blind impressed decoration.
Formerly manuscript no. 128 in the collection of Mr. C. S. Mundy.
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