Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or 16172 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Oriental Manuscripts

Two narrative poems


Summary of Contents: Two narrative poems or masnavi. Nasta‘līq, that of text 2 being of good quality. 15 lines. Episode headings in red. Text frames in green and gold, f. 1v, and grey, 2r. Illuminated headpiece, of mediocre quality, containing Basmala, f. 1v. Thin beige paper, with worm damage, mainly in margins but increasing in extent towards the end of the volume and affecting the text on f. 63-75. 79 folios. 205 x 125 mm.; text area ca. 150 x 78 mm. Half red morocco boards with black cloth. Purchased from Probsthain, 3 February 2005.
1. ff. 1v-41v

A narrative mas̲navī poem in Persian, with frequent passages offering observations and pointing to morals in the story. The author is named as Kirpah Rām. The title Qiṣṣah-'i Kunvar Chandanī [va] Zībā Rānī appears only in the colophon. According to his introduction, in which he gives an account of the genesis of the work (see f. 2v-3r), the poet began his work on 5 Rabī‘ al-avval 1140/21 October 1727. No other copy of this poem has been traced in published catalogues.

After a brief Ḥamd and Na‘t, the poem includes a section (f. 2r-v) in praise of ‘Pādshāh-i Khalāyiq Shāh Muḥammad Shāh Ghāzī’, i.e. the Mughal emperor Muḥammad Shāh (reg. 1131-61/1719-48). This is followed by a passage on the merits of telling stories of love and trials. Then begins the tale of Kunvar Chandanī, son of Raja Fatḥ Singh of Delhi, his adventures, including an encounter with Khiz̤r and his love for Zībā Rānī. Finally Prince Chandanī is appointed ruler by his father, who retires to a life of worship. The author has included detailed headings for each episode; but because only one line space was left for each heading, these are so densely written that they are often difficult to read.

Begins: Basmala Ibtidā kardam ba-nām-i Kardgār * Avval va Ākhir Tū’ī Parvardgar, Ay Muṣavvir-i ṣūrat-i ‘Ālam Tū’ī * Ay Muqaddir-i qudrat-i kāmil Tū’ī

Ends: Chunān bar ḥāl-i īn jam‘ī jamā‘a * ba-raḥmat-i khwud Khudāyā kard sāya, Chunān Qādir ba-ānhā kard imdād * ba-ḥāl-i jumla ‘Ālām Khudā bād

Language(s): Persian
2. ff. 43v-79v

An Urdu version of the tragic love story of Laylà and Majnūn. By Mīr Ḥasan Tajallī. This is an incomplete copy.

Other contents: f. 42r, single bayts of Persian verse, written in a semi-shikasta hand without dots; 43r, Persian rubā‘īs, with some dots and slightly more legible than the text on 42v; 43r, title and author of the Urdu poem Laylī o Majnūn; upside-down label on cover.

Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 79 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 205 × 125 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 25 Rabīʿ al-avval (yr?) (1700 - 1899) AH ; India

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in M.I. Waley, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts acquired 2000-2014.


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