Or 16176 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Three treatises
Three treatises, two on medical matters, dating from the late 16th century and copied at Baghdad
A treatise on materia medica, in 16 chapters (bāb). The text is acephalous and the list of contents on f. 1r identifies it only in the generic terms given above. It appears that only one folios is missing, since the text on the first extant recto side begins with the subjects of the last five chapters.
Copying completed bar gūr-i Ṣāliḥ, i.e. at the tomb of a saint named Sharīfah Ḥajjī Ṣāliḥ (see below), in Baghdad after the Jumu‘ah (Friday prayer) on 10 Rabī‘ al-avval 1002/3 January 1594 by Kamāl al-Dīn Ḥusayn Iṣfahānī.
An excerpt from an unidentified medical treatise on diagnosis from symptoms. The text is incomplete and breaks off in the middle of a sentence.
Copied by the same hand as the other texts in the manuscript, but in this text some words are difficult to decipher.
A treatise on the evils of backbiting (ghībat) and tale-bearing (namīmat), the expiation to be made for committing them, and exceptional cases in which they are countenanced by Sacred Law. The author is named as Muḥammad Qāsim ibn Ḥājjī Muḥammad Mashhadī. Based upon Arabic sources, and compiled for Persian-speaking readers, Hidāyat al-ṭarīq comprises a muqaddimha, five bābs, and a khātimah.
Munzavi, FNKhF II/2, p. 1715, records only one other copy: Tehran University, Ilāhiyyāt MS. 214/1. The present manuscript lacks the first folio, but contains the incipit as quoted by Munzavī, loc. cit.
Physical Description
Folios 1-7 have patch repairs, and a few others have small tears.
18 lines.
Small nastaʻlīq. Copyist: Kamāl al-Dīn Ḥusayn Iṣfahānī.
Red headings and underlinings. No text frames.
Other contents: fore-edge title Hidāyat al-ṭarīq; f. 1r, list of contents of the manuscript; margin of f. 98v, five couplets of Persian verse, partially obscured by smudging.
Limp black leather covers, worn.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased from A Kazzaz; 11 March 2005
Record Sources
Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact British Library, Registering for a Reader Pass. Contact apac-enquiries@bl.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. For information on catalogues and ordering manuscripts see Finding and ordering Persian manuscripts in the British Library.
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