Or 16178 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Muḥammad ‘Alī Ṭabāṭabā’ī Iṣfahānī's Rāḥat al-insān
1 copy of Rāḥat al-insān by Muḥammad ʿAlī Ṭabāṭabāʾī Iṣfahānī
A treatise on simple and compound remedies. By Muḥammad ʿAlī Ṭabāṭabāʾī Iṣfahānī (ca. 11th/17th century).
See Munzavī, FNKhF I p. 543, records only one other copy (Tehran University, Faculty of Medicine MS. 114/1). The present manuscript contains marginalia that include corrections as well as annotations, and so was presumably checked against another.
Purchased from A. Kazzaz.
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