Or 16273 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Collection of formal correspondence
1 copy of Majmaʿ al-inshāʾ by Muḥammad Amīn Banī Isrāʾīl
A large collection of formal prose writing, mainly letters, by writers of past and recent times. This work was compiled by Muḥammad Amīn Banī Isrā’īl for Rāy Budh Chand and completed in 1138/1725-6 or 1146/1733-4, according to a chronogram with a variant reading.
The text is divided by subject into thirty faṣls. For this and other information on the work, see Ethé, IOL I, cols. 1165-6. On the author, his works Majma‘ al-inshā and Gulshan-i sa‘ādat, and other manuscripts of both, see Storey, PL III/2, pp. 340-2. Other BL copies: I.O. Islamic 2895 (undated) and I.O. Islamic 3065 (dated 1159/1746); Or. 1599 (early 12th/17th-18th century; see Rieu, BM III, pp. 1067-8).
The present manuscript has suffered extensive damage from worming but has for the most part been effectively repaired.
Begins: Basmala Rabb yassir va tammim bi-l-khayr Mansha’-i nushū va namā-yi nihāl-i inshā inshā-yi sanā-yi inshā-ṭirāz-i bīhamtā’īst ki chaman-i chamīn-i nihāl-i rangīn samar-i sukhan dar gulzamīn-i ṭabāyi‘-i nādira
Ends: Man ki bāsham ki barān khāṭir guzaram * luṭfhā mī-kunī ay khāk-i darat tāj-i saram Va l-salām va l-ikrām Tammat al-kitāb
India. Copied by Ghulām ‘Alī, and completed on 4 Rajab 1220/28 September 1805.
Nasta‘līq. 17 lines. Red headings and text dividers. Off-white paper of medium thickness, rather brittle. 301 folios. 254 x 150 mm.; text lines 195 x 102 mm. Modern binding in half brown imitation leather with marbled boards. Wormholes and repairs throughout, sometimes affecting legibility.
Purchased from A al-Shakri, 20 January 2006
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