Or 16388 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Tracts on the occult and aphorisms
Two tracts on the occult and aphorisms. Purchased from Mr C.S. Mundy (MS.253).
1. ff. 1v-4r
A tract concerning the Rijāl al-ghayb or Helping Saints of the Unseen; with instructions on seeking aid from them.
Language(s): Persian
Title: Risālah-'i rijāl al-ghayb
2. ff. 4v-8v
Title: Kitāb tajārib al-insān
A tract comprising sayings and maxims from kings, sages, scholars, and pious men. Author unknown.
Language(s): Persian
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 8 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 160 × 110 mm.
Dimensions (written):
Origin: 18th century CE ; India
Record Sources
Based on unpublished description in M.I. Waley, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts acquired 2000-2014.
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